I really enjoy playing MLG and team swat. When I really wan't to have fun though I play big team battle. I just love the feeling of 16 people on one map. Thats real halo3 to me.
Team swat for sure, i beast at that. i love team swat because you basically have to have good aim and get a head shot
Social Big Team for my Mongoose Splatters. I absolutely love listening to "WHAT THE FU-" every time I fly over a rock on Standoff and splatter someone all over the ground. Never gets old.
Squad Battles! I love taking warthogs for a spin.. although I'd prefer BTB if it wasn't for the lag..
Team Snipers: Love getting better at sniping, concentration helps with school. XD Social Big Team: Sandtrap is loads of fun, load all the warthogs and Choppers onto the Elephant and pwning the other team with the "War Elephant". Living Dead: INFECTION FTW! Action Sack: Fun as hell.
MLG: (40) Competitive and MLG takes the most strategy and teamwork of any playlist. Team Snipers: (40) I'm going for a 50 in Snipers because I'm a 40 already. I win almost all the games because I love sniping. Big Team Battle: (200 XP) Gunning for my driver (ShredtroN) is just so fun. In one day, he drove me to an invincible and 29-0 (my teammate scored the last flag cap. before I could get 30 kills.) Multi-team: (126 XP) Very casual, but is fun to get high multikills/sprees in.
Multiple team, rarely games let you have 4 teams and it is fun having 2v2v2v2 with my friends, and low population, only contested for lowest by social team dlc
swat and second to swat is snipes because they are both easy to kill in and there ranked playlist thats fun so thats a plus
Honestly if i have enough friends on social big team is by far the best. Other than action sack it is a playlist deemed to screw around in. We've gone into games with 4 people on each team (yes fail Bungie...8 people go into an 8v8 playlist an they get split up...quality job) and we got each flag on avalanche heavy and got them both onto a prowler and we were riding around in it.
most certaintly team swat, im so beast at it and its reallly fun because i play alot of crappy people. Then next it would have to be team doubles but only if im playing with one of my friends who i know is actually good, because we just finished going on a 10 win streak were the highest score out of all the teams they ot was 12, thats hilarious.
Social skirmish or grifball. Social Skirmish becuase its kinda easy and gives you a mix of fun game types. Also i find it fairly easy to get kills in. Grifball because it relitivly easy and fun but mainly because of the easy xp (kinda sad i know).