Originals courtesy of a one Shepard Fairey. Doing them as research, when i get round to using them i'll be sure to get some photos. So far i have done 2, and it's taken a couple of hours. If anyone has some decent experience with this sort of thing, and would like to recommend techniques or materials, that would be fab, i'll probably be using acrylic paints and a sponge. Splashing out ye.
Well i plan on using them more than once, and the paint is gona warp these. There needs to be like no gap whatsoever for spray to work. I'll definately give it a try though i have a few cans. Heres what im doing next <3
Yeah, I did a couple block portraits with linoleum. It's fairly simple to use, and I don't think it's that expensive. Plus it lasts longer than sponges or stencils.
Ah well when i do these i wanted to use a mixture of similar colours and generate something a bit grittier. Using a roller would bake it difficult to create a more textural colour. I'll definately give it a go, we have all that equipment at college. I think i'll be doing a Jimmy Hendtix one tomorrow, and ill get a photo.
This chick named Debbie Harry. Her eyes are fawked up, but i'm going camping and i cba to sort it out, if you can pin-point what makes it fawked, please tell ;D i dont want to tweak at it incase i cut off something i regret.