Phantom Menace v2 (Star wars episode 1) Created by: sigmon fronso My second atempt to making the all famous Star Wars Episode 1 battle between Obi-wan and Qi-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul. And this is my 3rd map made on forge so no bad comments please. Map Download: gametype: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype is a 3 player only infection game Darth Maul Starts out with a gravity lift to use in the beam hallway so the other two players (Obi-wan and Qui-gon) cannot proceed through it until it breaks or is destroyed Darth Maul can take more hits and Obi/Qui-gon lose 1-2% health per second. Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out the pics and download! SCREENSHOTS:
Eh, the map looks alright. Not really sure about the layout, maybe some more pics? A few suggestions; -Some gaurd rails. -A weapon list. -Try re-interlocking some of the double walls. Not ranting or nothing, just trying to help is all, the map has potential.
True, you probably should have more pictures. However (this is for "Mr P1B"), if you've ever seen Star Wars Episode I, there were no guard rails on the walkways in the generator room. As for weapons, you're playing as Jedi, what do you think the weapons would be? I'm pretty sure there aren't any weapons on the map anyway, right "TUX"?
As for the review... You are required to post a description of your map and should provide more details on the map and game type. At least you got images up, so kudos for that, at least. Nice idea for a map and not bad at your first attempt. You should learn to place pieces better. The placement is extremely poor. It looks awful. Considering that buildings in Star Wars, especially Imperial buildings are usually very sleek looking. These structures look more like something from Tatooine than a nice sleek, smooth structure. Also a nice attempt at interlocking, but you need a lot of work on that as well. Please remove that image stating this map should be featured. I find it insulting for the thousands of maps that are 100s of times better than this map with poorly placed pieces. Feel fortunate that it's even on page 1 of the Casual forum at the moment because it doesn't even deserve to be there. Is my review a little harsh? Yes. But anyone that thinks their map deserves to be featured should have their ass handed to them and knock that ego down.
Your' recent post was a little spammy but ah well, You're new. I think it looks like a nice map, although an infection gametype was slightly amiss, simply because in the movie I don't remember Liam Neeson returning as a zombie. I think maybe slayer, or juggernaut may work better, with the juggernaut being Darth Maul, and first to kill him or whatever, I don't know, whatever's playable I guess. I like the look of the ascetics, however the main doors could do with some work. OMG ITS BILL CLINTON!!!!! FEATURE NAO!
bumbs arnt allowed anyway this map looks realy good i think i saw somthing about this on halo3 forges they oic random maps...