On the PS mags, they were rating it perfects and game of the years. i was shocked, I'm gonna try and find out. Cheers.
I played it last night. Sony got it early. It's really good. I was pissed that they didn't have the Challenge Rooms, though! Anyway, This demo is awesome. I can't wait to get this game.
The one problem I had with it was that there weren't any variations to the takedown animations. You do the same thing over and over and over again. Sometimes I would wait for a guy to see me or to get up just so I could do some different moves on him. Other than that is was extremely fluid and fun.
Oh Jesus, thanks for letting me know. I've been awaiting this game for a while now and with the demo I can finally see whether it is worth paying for. Going to download now.
The demo is really great. I really like the fighting in this game... it is like a traditional brawler on steroids. The fighting is fast and fluid, and you can easily transition from attacking one person to attacking another, and counters are easy to pull off. I thought the best part of the entire thing, though, was the last room with 5 or 6 enemies and you had to stealthily take all of them out. The stealth aspect of this game is phenomenal. I can't wait to get this game.
I loved the demo... I love the fighting system, the stealthiness and I liked how you controlled the camera in the cut scenes. This game is almost a movie...
the demo was good, i mean it had a few flaws and nothing new.......... Oh what the heck im i talking about this game was fantastic, from the awesome fighting system, from cut scene to game play(like mgs4) and ability to see if your enemys have weapons or not. The only thing i wished is that the demo was longer
OMG. The demo is amazing. I have always been a fan of batman and have watched all the movies and played the games, but up till now i have not liked any of the batman games because i always felt they had somthing wrong with them.