OutBreak is the new style of Infection! Instead of the typical Fat Kid maps or 1 hit zombies, it is an adventure style or gameplay. Much like L4D's OutBreak will be sure to provide a crap load of fun and excitement! Please countinue to read on to find out more on what is to come of OutBreak! GAMEPLAY The gameplay on this game will provide fun for hours upon hours! From a garage in New York to the lobby of an abandoned hospital, you will be amazed by the aesthetics through your trip to the safe room. When you spawn, you will be inside the starting room, you will get a table of the first tech level weapons. Those being the MAC-10(SMG) and a Pump Action ShotGun. After 10 seconds the starting house door will pop open, letting you start your trip. Throughout the level various events will occur, from one pathway being blocked to having to wait for an elevator to get to your floor. I have even made a little "AI Director". The AI Director can control where the advanced weapons, Molotovs(FireBombs), Pipe Bombs(Spike Grenades), and Health Kit(Regen) spawn at. For one group, the advanced weapons and Health Kit will be right at the start, for the next, you might have to wait until the final stretch to get squat. Both factions will have their upsides and downs in this game. There will be 4 Survivors playing in each round of OutBreak. The Survivors have all met up over their time trying to get to rescue and help. They are all immune to infection and are equipped with an arsenal of weapons and explosives. The Survivors will have alot of health, but their shields will not recharge, they can pick up a Med Kit to use when they are low health. Survivors will have to be careful when to use the Med Kits since there is only 1 during each round. Survivors motion sensor is also turned off, meaning they will need to stick together and watch each others backs. If they don't they can wind up dead the first minute into the game. A virus has swept through the human race, causing people to turn into these lunatic savages. The Infected will stop at nothing to get what they want, the Survivors' heads. Being an Infected during this game will be just as fun as it will be being a Human. Common Infected are equiped with just a sword and have a fairly low health rating. Common Infected is not the only thing that the Survivors will be fighting.. Boss Infected will also be included in OutBreak. Each level will get it's own set of unique boss Infected to be played. The main Boss Infected is the Hunter. The Hunter has alot more health, can deal more damage, and also has a stealth and jumping bonus. The Hunter's good levels are dark levels with many high spots and corners, as a Survivor always be on the lookout for them. There will be different Campaigns in OutBreak. Each Campaign will have it's own type of surroundings, from a city to a rural area. I thought making campaign ideas would be neat and unique. There are only 2 Campaigns right now... Riot Control takes place in a more ghetto area of New York. There are many buildings, cars, streets, and high spots to be explored. Riot Control will have a very unique set of levels and will probably be the best Campaign. Level set for Riot Control 1: The Garage 2: Streets 3:? 4:? RIOT CONTROL PICTURES I won't say anymore.. Try and figure out things from these 3 pictures! Death Bed will take place around and wind up inside of a Hospital. You will get an eerie feeling walking down the many halls and lobbies that Death Bed has in store for you. This is a great level for The Charger, who rushes at Survivors and throws them around. Death Bed will be neat and will have really cool mini-events! Level set for Death Bed 1:? 2:? 3:? 4:? Thanks for checking this out so far everyone, once more content is made more things will be posted! Please leave feedback on what you think of OutBreak so far! Plasmaterial
would it be possible for you to post some pictures of the maps, because map previews generally have pictures in them. anyway from what i've just read it sounds like a good set of maps you've got there.
It's pretty obvious this would be made in sandbox, however, as for an idea he shouldn't have tagged his thread with "Map Preview" if there aren't any pictures to preview the map.
Ok... I will get pictures up as soon as I can finish a couple of maps... I am hoping for OutBreak to be a great game!
sounds pretty good. if you need any help with anything il be glad to. kinda ancious to see so if i can get a sneak peak or anything it would be awsome. if not its fine but great idea.
looks and sounds good so far,but gameplay will be the deciding factor. I cant wait,as it seems similer to manifest.
Yeah, Manifest and OutBreak have almost the excact same gameplay mechanics, but there are some MAJOR differences. Manifest was also made thinking that it would put a more L4D feeling on the players.. I am happy everyone likes this so far, it will be sure to get pictures of the first map tonight.. Please help me spread the word out everyone, I want this to get alot of attention like Debayters **** Zombies thread did.
I don't want too high of standards.. I don't want to be let down if it fails.. But I don't want super low standards.. I like my idea though, and I hope that everyone around here will too!
One problem, if you set there health to no regeneration, then the regenerators dont have any affect, try it, might I suggest custom power ups as med-kits?
Regenerators can still regenerate shields, even with shield regeneration turned off.. The custom powerup is for a Boss Infected..
Good stuff man.. Can't wait until you release this.. Please tell me more about it when you have the time to!
Hahaha thanks cuz! I hope you are enjoying your time here so far!!! Thanks for the comment on OutBreak, it won't dissapoint!