This is a guide that a friend of mine made to help people get 50s. All credit goes to him. And this was added on by another friend of mine. Again, all credit goes toward him. Notice: Be aware Nightmare has bad grammar. I also prettied it up a bit.
Thanks for bringing this over to FH =) I pretty much knew every thing in this tutorial and most of it was almost self explanatory, yet I never heard of moving in a circular motion when shooting with an assault rifle and I've heard of strafing yet I've never done it. I should try that out some time.
Aiming: You cannot kill what is not being hit. Aiming is key for killing. Calculate how far away a target is and aim ahead of the target to shoot where that player is moving towards. Remember to find a sensitivity that is best- Note that lower can give a steady shot, but faster will make a player react faster to surroundings, every individual must find something that is the best combination of a steady shot and a quick turning speed. Inventory: Never be afraid to use a specific weapon, vehicle, equipment, etc because it is "for noobs" That is not a reason to refuse to use something that could rack up a large amount of kills. The reason that most people started insulting people for using specific items is to discourage people to even touch them.
lol im not sure why my post was doubled... Also- Driving tips. Drifting: To make very sharp turns, try drifting by holding LT (default controls) right before turning. Halfway through the turn, let go of LT to prevent skidding. This makes very good turns on Rats Nest, Sandtrap, etc... You may also want to slow down (not completely) directly before the turn.
Thanks mike. Also: Bumper Jumper: I have found Bumper Jumper to be very useful when playing competitively. Bumper Jumper lets you jump straf without taking your thumb off the thumb stick. Over all it has improve my game play a lot. I would recomend it to anyone looking to better there skills. I will begin to add user created content to the main guide if we continue to get it.
Updated for Bumper Jumper, Aiming, and Inventory. Welcome to Forge Hub token, glad to see more FSC members here.
The biggest key to getting a 50 is to learn your surroundings, knowing the maps and reacting to different situations is the easiest way to get kills. Oh and don't rush!!!!!!