Determine which ODST is most like you, comparing profile, personality, weapon used, & weapon specialization. All ODST information & pictures are with thanks to's ODST Guide. The Rookie Spoiler "This Marine was recently transferred from the 26th MEF, part of a Rapid Offensive Picket that suffered near-annihilation at New Jerusalem, Cygnus. Like most ODSTs, his actions speak louder than words." Romeo Spoiler "Romeo sees his true vocation as a ladies’ man. But just because he’s a lover doesn’t mean he can’t be a fighter—and a damned fine one at that. He keeps his gear clean, his suit looking sharp, and his body lean and strong. He may not be a shining example of the UNSC off the battlefield, but on it he is a consummate combatant." Buck Spoiler "Eddie Buck is a career Marine that has seen more than his fair share of this war. He has had the dubious honor of participating in many of the wars’ most vicious battles; including both the liberation of Harvest and the fall of Reach. That he has survived through it all speaks volumes. Truly, if he was any better he’d be a Spartan." Dutch Spoiler "Dutch’s former life as a road-train driver on Mars did well to prepare him for the arduous tasks of a heavy weapons specialist and driver in the ODSTs. Behind the death’s head rictus, jolly roger, and layer upon layer of black and gray armor is a man of deep spiritual convictions and respect for those he serves alongside." Mickey Spoiler "Mickey LOVES being an ODST. More than he did being a pilot. More than he did being a crew chief on a Pelican gunship. He is no stranger to battle and has a fair number of notches in his belt, but he is unique amongst his ODST brothers in that he has never seen absolute ruination visited upon a human colony-world by the Covenant." Dare is not included because not much is known about her. Personally, I chose Dutch. This is because he is both the driver & the heavy weapons specialist; the two things I do best in Halo 3.
If you talk about real life then, Mickey. Because, I LOVE being an ODST. More than I did being a pilot. More than I did being a crew chief on a Pelican gunship. I am no stranger to battle and have had a fair number of notches in my belt, but I am unique amongst my ODST brothers in that I have never seen absolute ruination visited upon a human colony-world by the Covenant.
WHAT!? YOU'RE AN ODST!? I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE REAL!! Hahaha............... Wow, now I feel like a complete spaz...
seriously, the war department of US should think about taking some ideas from halo 3 or H3 ODST. anyways, its a tossup between mickey and romeo, im goin with romeo, cuz, y'know,..........yeah. and i love sniping.
I'd say Romeo, because of ladies' man, and because of the fact that he's holding a sniper. I love the sniper.
Wow, everyone seems to be Romeo. Very suspicious... Is no one like Buck? He's all alone, with zero votes...
Just a tip... no-one using light skins can really read what you're saying in that bright yellow. Stick to normal font colour please, or something neutral between themes.
I would say Romeo cause I'm a sweet sniper and a ladiesman... But my name is Michael and people call me Mickey all the time, so... Mickey
Romeo and Dutch. I'm a romantic (not like those mushy-mushy Anime guys though), plus I do a ton of Sniping in Halo 3, as well as a good combatant. Plus I'm lean and strong in real life. And Dutch... I'm one hella good driver, as long as there's not an idiot in the side of the warthog who jumps off whenever I'm skidding to a stop and gets betrayed. Plus, I also do good with stuff like the laser, rocket, trip mines, and grenades.