[Please Delete] Well, I've officially gone overboard.. I had waay too many problems with the map, and now I'm going to go back, look through the entire puzzle and make it flawless... hopefully. It'll take a while.. Please delete this thread because I couldn't keep up with all the problems and I'm exhausted.
A beautiful looking puzzle map accompanied by a trailer with some awesome editing. Not to compare or anything, but this map has the potential to compete with well known puzzle map, Paratroxity. It looks astonishing overall, can't wait to start the frustration
If I can't beat Paratroxity I can't beat this. The interlocking is clean and most if not all the puzzles from what I can tell are unique. Great job, I'm DLing right now!
OMG! skillz to killz, this map is clever. that idea you had with the rader jamers was incredible, if you were to hind the weapon holders that would make it a lot harder.
Believe me. It's already very hard. That part alone has taken me up to 15 minutes.. because every time you miss a throw or miss a jump you have to start over
Very genius. The radar jammer part in the video seems like I wouldn't have needed help with it, but... anyway, this is a very nifty map. Great job, I hope you get many downloads with this.
Has ANYBODY beaten it, yet??? Has anybody gotten out of it.. or has anybody gotten past the 4th stage?? I'm dieing to tell you guys how to beat it... lol
I can't figure out what to do once I'm in the crypt...everything up until then wasn't too difficult, but I would certainly not call it easy. Also, the radar jammer part might be breakable.
Please explain further. Do you need help??? And how do you think the radar jammer part is breakable? I'll remind you that you do not have fire grenades, trip mines, or a hammer now.. All you have is a pistol. Thanks for the reply either way.
Yeah, the only problem was that I wasn't sure which items you would have at that part. It's breakable with a fire grenade, but apparently that's not the case. Well, I can get down into the crypt easily now, but I have no idea what to do with the fire grenades or the trip mine. I think I have to blow up a grav lift with a fire grenade, but that's really as far as I know. Pretty much, I don't know how to blow up those pallets and get to the sender node. But once I get to the radar jammer part, I can complete the map. That's not to say that the radar jammer part is easy--it takes FOREVER to do, but at least I know what to do to complete it. It's just the part between falling into the crypt and getting to the radar jammers that's puzzling me. Edit: I can throw trip mines through the hole in the first floating room, but I can't throw them through the hole in the second floating room. This leads me to believe that I need to use a firebomb grenade in the slit of the second floating room, but the shield door has me baffled.
It's a great map but I've found a few breaks on it. The first break is right in the first puzzle... After you get the grav lift and the rockets, you can kill yourself by that window and it's possible to drop the rockets inside it. This will let you rocket jump to get the frag grenade and get in the hub will a grav lift, skipping the second puzzle. The other break (I think it is a break) is is this room: You can throw the trip mine to the top floor, kill yourself with a flame grenade, go back into the cript, take the new trip mine and flame grenades, go back to that room, throw a flame grenade at the block, use a trip mine jump, jump off the block, use a trip mine jump and go through the teleporter. I don't know if that one is a break for sure, but I think it is because you can get a flame grenade in the radar jammer part. One last break (I also don't know if it is a break) is on this part: You can late crouch jump off the sides of the blocks and you hit the death barrier. Again, I don't know if it is a break but if it is, I'm just telling you. A thing that I didn't like about the map is that I accidentlly went through the 'left side teleporter' in the hub, when I was half way through the map... I got stuck and had to restart the game.... You should put something in there to kill yourself with so you don't have to restart. I know that this post is getting long, but I didn't complete the map (I couldn't get past the radar jammer part.) But so far I liked it, it was very good. If those rooms you could get stuck in weren't there I would give it a 4/5.
Okay, with a small bit of help from ER1C0 on one of the obstacles, I've completed the puzzle. My best run was in under 7:00. I skipped the radar jammer part because (1) it's possible, so why not? and (2) because it would have taken forever and made the video clip ridiculously long. However, I've done the radar jammer part before. Spoiler Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details