im thinking we should have awards for SOTW... just a little image that shows what week you won, with the week number etc. that you can put in a spoiler in your sig or not wear it at all. something like this: (made that in a couple minutes for an example, the image on the left being the signature that won.) if each person wanted to submit a small award image example that is easily editable, we could vote on them, then give the .psd to linu (or another person if linu is too busy for something like this) :joker: so yeah i was just thinking about this and thought it might be an extra thing to hand out to SOTW winners.. what are your guys' thoughts?
It'd be neat I suppose, not sure how many people would use them, but I like the idea. Now it'd be REALLY cool if they printed them on stickers and mailed about 5 of them to the winner!
Maybe just a little medal or emblem that you could put under your sig. People would want people to know that they've won a SOTW competition but they may also want to have a unique sig, so I don't think a sig would be a very good idea. Something along the line of this size ( H3Artificer). I think that would be pretty cool.
Yeah he got it from GFX Heaven.Anyways I must say I think that is another good reason to compete in SOTW.Maybe atrract some newbies.
A small, numbered, preferably square emblem to put in your sig, no bigger than 100x100 pixels would be perfect. Bear in mind that people do win on more than one occasion and we should cater for it appropriately.
He didn't necessarily have to have gotten the idea from gH, they do have little 'award' type things at many places, Planet Renders for example. I think it's a cool idea, in my opinion they should be any bigger than 80x80, as opposed to 100x100.
So, if you win one you get SOTW Winner. If you when two of them you get SOTW twice you get SOTW winner X2 and so on?
That would be stupid. If you get architecture, and you get two more maps featured, do you get architecture x2?
how about medals. I got a basic one going cant think of what to put on the inside rite now. < kinda looks like a bottle cap =.=
yes i got it from gH. and a custom title would be great but i doubt it would actually happen.. i like that little H3 artificer button btw, i think it should say SOTW winner so that people know what it is.. Matty, i think thats a good plan too.. i think first we need to all agree on some constraints/what it will be (and i say no to a userbar). small buttons sound good though..