Author: MultiLockOn Map Name: KOTH Anarchy v2 Map Canvas: Foundry Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4 - 10 [5v5 Recommended] Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories __________________________________________________ Description: Anarchy was a three month project for myself, as is most of my maps. It originally was supposed to be a full out Conquest map, but at a certain "Forgers Block", a new idea surfaced. And K.O.T.H. Anarchy was born. This map boasts not only eye catching aesthetics as for interlocking, merging, and other unique features, but is both complimented and rivaled by it's gameplay. The name Anarchy more than outfits this map, as the chaos that can come when just stepping into the highlighted boundaries marking the hill is devastating. Skill alone won't carry yourself through this map, but teamwork and just a bit creative movement along with it. I hope you're ready for this. This portion of the map execution I take much pride in. In both these areas of the map I was assisted thoroughly by AZN FTW which I am extremely thankful for. Not once will you find yourself spawning too close to action of a passing enemy spartan, nor too far from an objective point. The weapon setup throughout the map only walks right along with the spawn placement, as you'll always find a handy B.R., or a set up duel-able weapons within a comfortable walking distance post resurrection. Here's the weapons list. -8 Battle Rifles -2 Sub Machine Guns (SMG's) -2 Covenant Plasma Rifles -2 Covenant Carbines -8 Plasma Grenades -1 Rocket Launcher -1 Sniper Rifle This is where the map really shines through. Unlike most maps where out the primary supported gametype is under most conditions Team Slayer, this map was modeled towards, and supports with great fluidity, King of The Hill. This will blow you away, with the style in which this map plays to King of The Hill. I'm proud to say with as little bias as I can muster, this map plays King of The Hill better than any map I have ever played, I strongly encourage anyone who is looking for an amazing KOTH match to download this map with its custom gametype Anarchy Hill. Here are the supported gametypes. Keep in mind since testing after v1 was released, I took out all the gametypes the map hardly supported, such as CTF and Assault. Those gametypes proved ridiculous since you could make 5 second flag runs. Slayer | FFA |Oddball| KOTH | Territories For more information, go here.
Its wierd, because i was just looking at your first version then find out you JUST posted another... Wierd.. Anyways I played the first version so i have high hopes for this map. The forging is great, so are the structures. I think i will play this one ver ofen with friends once i get my new unhacked account. Very nice keep up the good forges.
Great post and Great map. Some fantastic interlocking and impressive aesthetics, though I must ask, in the "central view", what do those stairs lead to? They look like they just lead to a wall. EDIT: sorry I just looked at the pics a little more closely and realised the box is hollow, my bad
Thanks for your comments on the aesthetics, I'd honestly recommend the following gametypes in order from best to worst if you're looking for something fun to play on this map. 1:Anarchy Hill 2:FFA Hill 3:FFA Oddball 4:FFA 5:Territories I'd have to say those were my five favorite gametypes to play on this map personally, just as a forewarning, the spawns for free for all matches may be slightly iffy. Don't say I didn't warn you.
i sat down and click on your map and i jizzed.. in my paants. it is really exceptionally well forged and if it plays half as good as you say then it wil be a most enjoyable expeiriance. at first glance, the post looked bad, mostly because i use the default skin and i couldnt read very well. (i was never one for change :3 ) then i looked at the pictures, after i read your ambitios mini wall of text and i almost cried, i have finally found the greatest koth map in the world, well next to barrel blaster . if azn help you, then that adds even more to the map quality and will ensure many dowloads, probably. a very well deserved dl from me, my good friend.
Yes, as the others said, this map is exceptionally amazing. You even took the time to merge pretty much every wall and object to prevent grenades from slipping through. This is a great looking map and I can't wait to try it out when I get back to Maryland. I'll tell you my feelings then. For now, I look forward to KOTHing it up later.
I usually don't download that much Foundry maps anymore, but this is an exception. The post is neat and attractive while the map itself is good-looking and creative. The weapons are quite reasonable, but I am puzzled as to why you did not put at least 2-4 frag grenades on the map. You put the bridges to good use. The design looks very well thought of. The rocket launcher could have been placed more neatly though, lol. Good job.
Veary, Veary nice post! i love the description and the picture forms. plus i have a veary good sence of what the map is supose to look like and the lay out of the map is. there isn't much you didnt put in this post infact i think even the kitchen sink was in there. But regardless, this map is fun, i dont care for KOTH though (the game type not you). Any way this map reminds me of MLG but has a twist to it, nice map i'd love to see more of your work soon, and hope this gets plenty of Downloads i got to say this map i have to give it a 4.6/5 just not the best i have ever played. love the map keep up the good work.
Sorry about no Frags, that might actually be a decent idea. Considering it's KOTH and everything they'll probably have a larger effect than plasmas perhaps, but as for now I think the starting grenades will do us justice. Sorry to hear you don't like KOTH, and to tell you the truth, I didn't either before making this map. It plays differently, I'll tell you that right now. Get a 5v5 rolling on this baby with the Anarchy Hill gametype attached and you'll see why the name more than fits this map. Thanks for your comment.
It looks very nice. But you should know what people expect out of foundry these days....(hint: look at all the newest foundry posts)
Yes, as the others said, this map is exceptionally amazing. You even took the time to merge pretty much every wall and object to prevent grenades from slipping through. This is a great looking map and I can't wait to try it out when I get back to Maryland. I'll tell you my feelings then. For now, I look forward to KOTHing it up later.