I've been working on it for about a week now, and all I have to do is put some stairs and a roof on, and I have recreated the warehouse from the mission "Hostile Negotiation". It is detailed ALMOST down to the inch. For those who don't remember the mission, the warehouse is located on the bottom right of Bohan. Probably random nonsense to those who haven't played GTA IV. If you're interested in it, post a reply and I might work on it faster. EDIT: IT'S DONE!!! Get the link to it from this video! YouTube - Hostile Negotiation and Dogfight OR: Get it from HERE http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=91853006
ughhh I can't post attachments... I'll just show when it's done... that's a high and mighty statement you're throwing around there, if there are no pictures, it didn't happen. You're saying if every picture in the world was deleted and/or destroyed, nothing would exist?
take some screen shots then go to Halo Screen Shots and type in your gamertag in the top right then copy the BB code and paste it here, and now you have pictures
ehhh the only reason I posted this here was just to confirm whether somebody already did it or if it was a good idea. I will get cracking on the last bits of it though.