If I ever can get ODST, I'll probably make my service tag an epic name, anything like RUSH (what you shouldn't do), SHOC, WOLF, 1897 (if numbers can be used; 1897 is my favorite shotgun, the M1897 Trench Gun.), DEMO (litions), CQCE (Close Quarters Combat Expert, which is what I'm good at.), or anything else I could possibly think of.
They better let you use a 3 letter service tag or else I'm going to be pissed. Any game that let you have a three letter service tag I have to use the same one. 'AZN' is usually the service tag I use and if for some reason Bungie decides to be gay I'll just have to find a good 4 letter service tag.
Probably G33K. If not the 4D4M for Adam. But with some geekiness. Edit: Nvrmnd. I totally with alienman. I'm going 0RLY. The 0 to keep the geek.
hmmm if its like cod 4 for its clan tags i would do O|-< but if not I would do tbag for my one account (t To Th3 bAg)
I don't exactly know what I'd do. Probably my first name (Dave) or something completely random that I make up. I don't exactly see the point of this since your "four letter service tag" will only be seen in Firefight and Co-op Campaign. Oh, I know! I'd make it "FAIL." (Excuse my pun.)
Well my name is Jeff, so probably JEFF. Or perhaps I'll do something funny, we'll we what Bungie lets us use.
half the **** you guys are coming up with will be unusable anyways. you cant even put assault in a map description. Mine will be: SLNC or *TSB