
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DarkShadowxXx66, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. DarkShadowxXx66

    DarkShadowxXx66 Ancient
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    Recommended players: 8+
    Supported games: Infection
    Created by: DarkShadowxXx66

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    We Shouldn't have done what we did. We should've stopped. Now, it's too late to go back or, for that matter, forward. The boats have all abandoned our outpost, and so there's no hope of rescue until we're all consumed by our experiments. Let me explain.

    I am part of a small research team, we have a small island for testing incase one of tests goes haywire to prevent an outbreak, and it just our luck that this is exactly what happened. Unfortunately for us, both of our test chambers misfired at the same time with the same damn problem and now they're falling about. Half of our crew have been consumed with the remainders crowding into a central safety chamber.

    But now, with smog levels from the failing chambers rising, our own power has been reduced. Worse off, the smog appears to empower those that have been infected. Now is our last chance. Now, is when we fight.

    Game Play
    This is an infection map on Assembly. Now, I know what you're thinking but bear with me.
    The living 'scientists' spawn in the central room with regular settings and nothing but pistols (where the active-camo is on the regular map). There are weapons in specific spots around the map so I'd recommend that the humans don't just camp their spawn. However, they should keep in mind that zombies can and will come from both sides.

    The zombies spawn in either of the main bases with just swords, 125% speed, full shields, but with 50% damage resistance. After 45 seconds go by, the zombies receive 4 overshields (2 in each base), and after 150 seconds have passed the zombies also similarly receive 4 custom power ups that raises their speed to 150% and gives them poor camo.

    There are 6 rounds, each of which are only 6 minutes long.

    At the start of the game. The blue room on the left is the Human spawn. The following pictures will show the 'smog' effects.

    After 10 seconds, juicy is activated.

    The final affect. This is turned on at the 150 seconds mark. All effects are Juicy, then Gloomy, and then Old Timey.

    One of the doors into one of the tests chambers. This is as seen shortly after 10 seconds. (Note: The bottom doors are still clogged with open supply cases but it's ridiculously easy to escape.)

    This is the same door after 45 seconds when the barely noticeable 'gloomy' is activated. (Note: These doors were not meant to completely stop people from entering the zombies spawn base but instead to simply deter them.)

    This is the inside of one of the zombies spawn after 150 seconds. There is a spawn point under each powerup, and also three underneath the camera. This, the fact that there's still a whole other base on the opposite side of the map, and coupled with synchronized team respawns should prevent spawn killing. (Note: After 60 seconds and on each of the set of three spawn points there is a gravity hammer. Therefore, for 3 seconds after spawning, all players are allowed to pick up weapons. No other weapons are placed within a 3-second run for the zombies.)

    The human spawn. After 150 seconds two man cannons spawn where the gravity hammer usually is, allowing zombies to get an alternative route in in order to stop any camping. The man cannons also allow the humans to go up and get the hidden flame throwing directly above.

    The man cannonns.

    The 'hidden' flamethrower.

    Since it is admittedly on Assembly, there is a fairly small amount of forging done on the map, but still, as far as I am aware, no one else has tried to do this yet, so I'd figured I'd give it a shot. All in all, it only took something like 3 - 4 hours to complete start to finish.

    I tried to make this map start off fairly easy for the humans but then get progressively harder as time moves on.

    Oh, one last thing, this is my first post on ForgeHub so please let me know if there are any problems.

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    #1 DarkShadowxXx66, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  2. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    bravo! this is one of the first maps i see on assembly that seems pretty good i think ill dl. the juicy effects the shield doors its all very well planned and designed and even you made some man cannons appear to prevent camping.
  3. Dominick1337

    Dominick1337 Ancient
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    Yep I agree, awesome map.
  4. DarkShadowxXx66

    DarkShadowxXx66 Ancient
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    Thanks, I recently edited the game type for it, I think it works a lot better than the one I had up.

    Also, this is not my first map, my first decent map was a **** Zombie remake and I didn't bother posting that on here because the idea has been over done way too many times. x.x

    Also, I'm working on another infection on Sandbox based loosely off of an Evac style game, but the work on that one is slow...

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