YouTube - Dirty MLG 4 shot. This guy was sending me messages talking crap the whole time so i had to teach him a lesson.
Well, good that you taught that hater a lesson, but why just a 4shot? A snipe could have been better or something Leaving that, good video. Kick his ass some more and post another one
I lawled when I saw that it would have been dam impressive if he did snipe him seeing as didn't have a snipa rifle
I don't get it. That's like getting a sniper headshot and being all like OMG I SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD! It really happens all the time. Especially considering you were like, what, perfect range for a four shot? That guy should have finished you, but he sucked. He got the first shot, and then missed 2.
It weren't really that impressive, there was basically no strafign and the only reason you killed him was because of his aim, not your evasion skills.