YouTube - Melee Warthog Glitch Tutorial Here is another glitch tutorial from my 'Halo 3 Glitch Montage'. Watch Here: Spoiler YouTube - A Halo 3 Glitch Montage - Presented by Tylyr1 Enjoy!
I have never seen some of the things in the second video, however, he claims to use no mods, but yet he is using the carbine gametype, whcih is a modded forge FFA
I didn't know about this, that's pretty cool. It can work on all maps that support these objects right?
I did something simmilar to the broken banshee thing but it was accidental and didn't move. cool glitches though Im gonna go practice that.
LOL that's awesome! Also that glitch montage, soem of it could just be great editing and soem of them could easily be done in forge.
I remember doing this on Sandbox a while back. This would be great for Machinima though. 'He feels a surge of energy rush through his body. "GAHHHH!" he screamed as he flung the Warthog into the air.' Like that, but in visual form. =)
You could have instant kill on for you too (leading player traits = instant kill, then gain the lead), so when you hit it, it blows up too.
Still its not a glitch, its method uses a glitch, its just a trick. Ill admit that I was wrong and you didnt use mods, but you basicly used the same glitch for everything in that montage, so that means the title should be Glitch, because it isnt a montage of glitches its a glitch made into lots of tricks.