Because, when something as big as this goes down unscheduled (That normally doesn't ever go down) people thinks it's the end of the world or at least don't have anything better to do then continually try to see if it's up again. Like earlier today the Twitter service went down for a period of time and people went into chaos. (The cause of which was "DDoS attack") It's just human nature to worry when something like this happens. (In my opinion) EDIT: Ignore last paragraph... Too bad, I was just about to get on Xbox Live to play some **** Zombies but first decided to check out Forge Hub real quick and I just happened to stumble upon this thread alerting me. I also seem to have one friend online playing Halo 3 out of 96 total friends. lol... I wonder where Rusty Eagle lives where he still got Xbox Live?
So Yeah I was freakin out when i saw that XBOX LIVE disconnected. I didnt know what to do so I made a crapy map lol.
i was in that party when that happened and i was all like OMGBBQWTF? I just took that as my signal to get off live.