i'm kinda new here, and i was wondering, whats the most played on infection maps here. i don't have many, and we play infection alot so i was wondering what you guys play alot.
You have to be a bit more specific, because there's popular infection maps from the Heroic map pack like Foundry, and ones in the Mythic map pack like Sandbox. You can do a search in the "community maps" section, and search infection maps for all halo forged maps and compare the most rated and talked about ones.
My personal favorites are... Help's on the way, right?: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/51424-helps-way-right.html Nucrubis- City of the Dead: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/72290-necrubis-city-dead.html I also think my maps are quiet good if you would like to try them... Left 4 Dead-The Boathouse: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/79512-left-4-dead-boathouse.html Sandpitt-Halo3 Horde: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/79609-sandpitt-halo3-horde.html
I dont really have a FAVORITE map, but i do know what i like. I like infection which isnt just blind killing. Infection thzt has stradegies and teamwork. Stuff like fat kid and games where zombies have like no health isnt really fun at all. Also if you play infection mini games, i suppose those would count.