I'm making a map, with the basic idea of this. Original thread- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/78746-please-look-my-new-idea.html SO as you can see the game is done. But! The covenant spawn in one avalanche base that is blocked off and they leave via teleporters. But that isn't the problem. Because it's vip, the human's base can't be closed off, because the vip can camp there. If it is open though, the covies can get in there, and the humans spawn in the covenant base. I'm not new and I set the spawn points to the appropriate team. Help with how to handle the human's base?
I really like this idea personally, I've been working on a map for a gametype much like this, but I've hit snags along the way. With your permission, I'd like to use this gametype or copy the basics of it because there are a couple things I'd like to change. If you agree to this, I'll give all credit to the gametype to you and I'll tell you what the game will be in a PM because I think that the map would work really well with your gametype.
Sure. But the problem is, it's not done yet. I'm fixing a lot of balance issues. But sure, use the basics if you want. When it's done, I'l post it up.