SUICIDE BOOTH! ++ SUICIDALNAUT It's like Juggernaut for the clinically depressed! CONCEPT (IMPORTANT) This map supports up to 12 different players! SCORE TO WIN: 75 TIME LIMIT:15 MIN The point of this map is for the Juggernaut to kill himself/herself. In order to do this the Juggernaut must jump on the tiny block and then into the tube corners, where he/she will land on a teleporter which will take them to a challenge, each challenge is vastly different from the last. If you don't figure this out here, there'll be pictures to show you later. The Beginnings of Suicidalnaut and the Suicide Booth Suicidalnaut is my latest and greatest creation, and instead of hogging this wonderful piece of work from the Halo world, I, being the ever so gracious man I am, will give everyone here the gift that is this Game and Map. But, before I do, let's discuss the beginnings of my baby. Suicidalnaut was born on a dark and spooky night in my Michigan hometown about a few weeks back, I was sitting on my ass watching television until The O'Reilly factor or whatever the hell was on lulled me into a nice peaceful sleep. But right as the commercial break started, and idea hit me harder than an angry white trash husband hits his spouse after an unsatisfactory sandwich. The idea was, "What if there was a gametype that actually encouraged idiots to blow themselves into oblivion?" I immediately began to work on it, I didn't get far, since it was so late and the initial version looked something like what we all used to make before we got Xbox LIVE, you know, those crappy maps that had like, a bajillion power weapons because the concept of "balanced" was noobish. Anyways, I came back to my map the next day to pick up where I left off. After many days of building, breaking, re-building and finally testing the map and game I was ready to debut my creation, so here it is! The Details (Scoring and other shiznit half of you won't read because of all the words) Alright, so I've bored most of you by now with all my scary words so I figure you guys deserve a picture or two, so here you go! Alright the features of this map are pretty simple. Spoiler This map starts everyone in this little booth-like thing (hence "Suicide Booth") which looks like thisthis booth features 12 re-spawn points, so that means that if you try to play with more than 12 people, you're going to have some people starting god knows where, so you'll probably hear a bunch of whiny 12-year-olds whining about how they can't do anything. So ya. Also, see that tiny little block my dude is facing? That's what keeps Non-Juggernauts from getting into the areas they're not suppose to. Continue... Spoiler Now, here's a better shot, the Juggernaut has lower gravity than that of the non-juggernauts (see traits section) so the Juggernaut is the only one that can jump from the tiny block into the tube corners, which take him to the teleporters which in turn deliver him to one of the basic challenges where the Juggernaut will kill himself. Like this, idiots. Keep going! Spoiler After you go through the teleporter you'll land up in one of the challenges, the selection is random, so you honestly have no clue what's going to happen to you. Here's one of the challenges. You see here, this challenge involves you smacking and breaking instantly re-spawning pieces of wood to kill yourself with the fusion coils on the other side. It may seem rather easy now, but it's a doozy once you get to it yourself. Oh, and did I mention that you can't move the pallets since they're being supported by weapon holders? Now, you pick up a custom power-up as soon as you go through the teleporter which makes it so you can't jump, it wears off in ninety seconds so if you really suck at breaking pallets, you can just wait it out, and jump over the pallets instead of breaking them. You're doing great! Spoiler Next, it's the Gauntlet, as seen here. Pretty self explanatory, you have limited jump, and once you get to the end, you'll be able to kill yourself with energy drains. The Gauntlet's cousin, the Maze, is a little more tricky, please turn your attention to the lovely image below. This challenge is one you want to get first, you see, the maze has several grenades in it (around twenty) the grenades are set like this: Respawn: Never Min. Allowed: 1 So after a few people go through this, the grenades will be more scarce and harder to find until eventually, there's only ever one grenade in the maze left.Have fun with that one. Almost done, promise. Spoiler I'll include the rest of the challenges in this spoiler, just to keep it simple. Here's the elevator. This challenge makes you create an elevator with just the Grav Lift you've been provided, rather simple, if it weren't for the pallets in the room as well. The next up is the Tower Power! Simply knock over the Radio Antenna's to get to the next level! And the last on I'm going to show you is, the Fall O' Doom! Just go through the teleporter, and die! Yaaay! Also, please note I have chosen not to show you two of the challenges, so as to leave a surprise to any downloaders. I wouldn't want to spoil everything would I? SCORING! What I like most about this game is it's unique scoring. Let me show you what I mean. Note, YOU ARE NOT ALLIED AGAINST THE JUGGERNAUT! Kill Points: 1 Kill As Juggernaut: -7 Takedown Points (Killing the Juggy): -7 Suicide Points: 5 Betrayal Points: IMPOSSIBLE! This keeps the game flowing, the Juggernaut can't spend too much time in the challenges, as the other players will quickly rack up points. TRAITS! Spoiler Juggernaut: No Shields Normal Damage Normal Gravity White Non-Juggy's Invincible 0% Damage High Gravity Black Before I go, here's criticism I won't accept, as well as my response. Challenges are too easy! They weren't meant to be difficult, only to waste the Juggernauts time as the people up in the bubble quickly killed each other for points. I don't like the lighting. Well, I do, and I made the map, so tough. If you don't like it, go into forge and delete it. Viola! This is weird. You're weird! Challenges are too hard. Try harder moron. Well, that' it! Enjoy and rate fairly! Download The Booth Download Suicidalnaut
Seems like it might be fun? I gve it the DL and whoever wants to play add Stranded Bison I ran around by myself for a little bit as the juggy. The obstacles were pretty cool. Have you played any big games of this?
Wow. Unique in its simplicity. But I must ask you, is it possible to play this with one person, or do you need more? And also, so you're telling me that all the players spawn in a tiny island and spawn kill each other in a gigantic moshpit??
You could play with one person, and do the obstacles, as I have many times, it's not nearly as fun though. I've played with the max amount of people yes. And no, I think, I'm not sure, you spawn in that booth, and you stay there and try to assassinate one another. So if that's the "mosh pit" you're referring to, then yes, you kill each other in the mosh pit. See the first image I posted for reference.