Protector Description: Protector started out as me trying to make a gaurdian style map but has changed from my original idea throughout the corse of forging. It is a asymetric map built around a center bowl structure with the idea of forcing fast gameplay. Gametypes supported: Slayer Team Slayer King of the Hill 1 Flag (fast flag respawns in case the flag falls) Weapons and equipment: x1 beam rifle (180 secs) x1 shotgun (1 clip, 90 secs) x1 mauler (90 secs) x1 bruteshot (90 secs) x2 carbines (60 secs) x4 BRs (45 secs) x2 spikers (30 secs) x2 SMGs (30 secs) x1 active camo (180 secs) x1 bubble shield (90 secs) x1 power drain (90 secs) Screenshots: over view 1 over view 2 blue base red base active camo area high post the bowl i haven't really play tested this map so i am open for suggestions for V2 just so long as your suggestions come from in game experience. download, play and enjoy. Edit: i edited the download link because i forgot to put grenades on the map. if you already downloaded, delete the old and download again. sorry.
wow that center piece is amazing what did you make it out of but the high post seems like the blue team would be able to get to it easily before the red team taking the brute shot i think it was i couldnt tell from the pic but other than that this map is beautiful
the center is made out of T walls and thats a carbine on the high post and the other carbine is easier for red to get
Alot of your structures seem to be circular in some perspective, not that its a bad thing, but it must have been a pain for you to line them all up so well like that. 4.5/5
looks really neat, the design has that guardian-esqe feel about it that makes for great gameplay. it would be cool to see a v2 with a 2nd or third floor, just to mix it up. the snipe spawn looks really good as well.
how in hell did you come up with that idea with t walls? i knew they were good for somthing but zomg thats amazing. the rest of the map is good but WOW. oh and for v2, try and put some roofs on some of the catwalks, in the middle of them so you cant jump to them, for aesthetic and grenade cover purposes.
wow I love the bowl and the big circle section made from the wood bridges! They look great and very neatly forged. How did you get the circle to be so perfect? Did you use a tin cup as a guide?
no, i don't know how to use the tin cup like that. i put spawns corner to corner and just set the wood pieces in between the spawns. same with the t-walls.
Wow this is extreamly architecturly pleasing to me, nice and smooth new things i havn't seen much of nor at all for some, i like the map and ill dl it and try it out would you mind if i use some of your figures in my master list? These:
this map is very strange because only 2 things stick out to me. The bowl and the high post. very creative and neat, but the rest of the map could need some spicing up.
This is solid. But tough luck with less more than 100% gravity (if you ever used higher gravity for a custom game), because you'll need to make some of those jumps. The centerpiece is amazing, and overall this map is incredible. The layout could be better, but the forging is flawless. I'd have to say this is well deserving of a 9/10.