me and a friend were trying to make a proper house roof but we are having some trouble cause we can't see to get it to work don't suppose anyone knows how tomake a working roof?
? im not sure i understand. my guess is that your asking how to float the walls to make a roof, use double boxes, then place the roof on top, then delete the double box
I don't quite get you. You can just put walls diagonally to make a normal roof, but i'm not sure that thats whay you mean.
I believe he wants hanging roofing ( like past the walls ) anyways to do that just float a slanted wall where you want save and quit or use the other method stated.
a lot of people do the same thing for their roofs, try something different. I think it would be cool if you used bridges and layed them down like this: l ll ll ll l l ll ll ll l l ll ll ll l So that the bridge's short ends will make the apex of the roof
You could put double boxes on the highest floor put stairs on top of boxes put walls on top of stairs delete stairs then delete boxes.
Hmm simple, Just put double boxes on the 2nd or first floor of the house then place stair cases on the floor and put bridges on the stair cases. Then delete the stairs... bam! a roof. Repeat the proccess on the other side...
i found make a roof is really easy when u place a set of stairs and use that for the framwork of the roof then lay the walls on the stairs. This method is fast and easy