I am now very interested in citadel, what is it going to be like? from the pic that they gave us, i cant tell at all.
cant WAIT firefight looks so cool, like gears of war horde, but with better graphics and a halo theme, (better IMO) its gonna be awesome, and the maps are going to be great. Off topic, kinda: Is Cold Storage a forerunner themed map? i think it is, but im not sure.
its obviously like the interior of the forerunner construct on the level "the covenant" that sounds really cool, probably influences some cool new aesthetic forging objects, im really into forerunner aesthetics, i have a feeling that all three maps will be really cool and fun to play on or forge on.
They will have fun forgings, for sure. The problem however they won't be featured most likely. Think of all those featured Cold Storage Maps. Wait, oh yeah, there aren' any due to its lack of possibilities. I do however believe there will be a few Longshore Features. It's a bigger map, with more potential, and that makez meh fuzzy in meh belleh. Anyway I hope new forge objects appear, and those dingies or little boat things are ****in deleteable. 1 Month to go
wait, do you think citadel will have Cold storages forging arsenal? being walls, but immovible walls and stuff. whaddaya think?
That's what about 70% of the forging population is learning to believe. I do as well, only slightly different. Maybe a couple original items
So what do you guys think they'll pop on us this time as an addon. Last time it was those awesome lights... *cough* IN ONLY ONE F'IN MAP *cough* I pray every night that it is some switch or another. I don't care if it's a door or even a light switch, I just want a switch.
maybe a lock or elevator. the construct in the covenant had an elevator, and since citadel is designed after that construct, maybe theres an elevator or platform. doubt it though. maybe ill play campaign on the covenant sometime to see where citadel could be part of the construct.
I would want atleast half of the sandbox items,or atleast all the good ones. Like the lights. Or foundry bridges.
I honestly think Foundry bridges would not fit into the design of how I see the map, I would expect the wooden bridges like on Sandbox more, Also for half Sandboxes forging object, would expect it, but would be great.
i think that foundry bridges would fit in more with longshore because its urban themed. Also outside of foundry looks alot like longshore.