Sandbox Can you ghost?

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by RedXxXBuddha, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    Can you ghost?
    This is a short jumping map that i have been working on the map only has ghost jumps on it so don't expect something else.
    I will also say that you can't get stuck in any room there is a teleporter leading back to the room before.
    Also in the pics the roofs have been removed for some of them.
    Now on to some pics

    download map here: : Halo 3 File Details
    and gametype here: : Halo 3 File Details
    The starting area with two ghost jumps

    The second jump

    High ghost

    Another ghost

    A ghost jump off of the wall you just landed on

    A double ghost

    Where you land from the double ghost

    Another double ghost up to the oddball
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Ummm... Yeah. HARD. Decent forging, but there really isn't any replay value to this if you ever beat it.
  3. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    What exactly is ghosting? When u said that I was looking for ghosts in the pictures but it seems like you mean jumping on nearly invisible spots in the walls. Must be hard to do.
  4. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    thanks for this! I just recently learned how to ghost jump and this looks like it'll help a lot. the forging itself looks pretty good
  5. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    For those of you who don't understand or are having trouble watch this:

    YouTube - Halo 3 :: Jump FX Trick Jumping Tutorial

    Ghost edging is hard to perfect however. This is a good map to test your skills for it though.

    This map, for being solely based off ghost edging is very good. It is one of the first I've seen and most of the jumps are pretty challenging. Overall I give this map a 4/5. My only complaint is it could have been a bit longer and maybe a wider variety of ghost edges. If you make another puzzle map, I'll be sure to download it.
  6. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    Sweet map, I just learned about ghost edges like a week ago and this will be good practice.
  7. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    yeah i would have made it longer but for some reason i deceided to make it in the skybubble for most of it if i make another it will probably be in the crypt mainly
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Its a decent jumping map. I bit too many standard ghost jump for my liking, however a double ghost jump is quite fun. Your only flaw is repeating jumps to many times, try to come up with some different ghost, like a ramp ghost, or bunny ghost. I understand its for beginners but still... Anyways most jump maps are quite messsy but you did quite i nice job in the neat category.
    #8 Xang, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  9. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Please think before YOU post. -_-

    The OP did nothing wrong and posted a perfect thread.
    To the map: You did a nice job on making a map like this and from here you can only improve. Everybody already stated the things you should improve on such as variety and making it longer, but you already seemed (sp?) to know all of those things so I can't wait to see your next map if it's going to have all those things incorporated. Also I don't know if you've played Lilninji's map but if you're looking for only ghostjumps you should check that map out and see what you can improve on.

    I read some things that bothered me in some posts.

    - don't say ghost edging -__- it's the other way around
    - also, lilninji was the first to make on of these (on sandbox) and I think Dark Fios made one on foundry before him (not entirely sure).
  10. Falconspire

    Falconspire Forerunner

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    could you send m this map and gametype please? GT is Falconspire thx if you can :)

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