MAP DESCRIPTION: This map is symetrical, there is 4 sides in total but only 2 bases. There is a tomb on top level with 4 entryways with a secret drop down to bottom level to shotty. the main map is on center level, and there is a drop down center where the good stuff happens..hint: the only way to get overshield is the super secret drop down from center tomb......shhh PS: the base has a catwalk in the back and 3 entrances in front 2 lower and one center the catwalk would be for back entrance to back of base... GAMETYPES: ctf is awesome and its set up for that but can be used for slayer4v4 6v6, WEAPONS: each base has a sniper for a total of 2 on map be careful it doesnt have full ammo, also one base has a bubble and the other has a regenerator, 2 stickys in each base for some fun down in the center.. one side get a brute and the other gets a needler, shotty in middle(bottom level). and of course br's on map.. I just want to say thanks if you download or if you just look at pics this map took a long time to forge and to test. Everything is merged together and very straight.. enjoy FLAG SPAWNS IN BACK OF BASES NOT SHOWN IN PICS i used all pieces bungie would alllow no money left, luckly it all worked out .. a slight overview hard to fit map in pic map is long.. lower level look up and see drop down secret hole .. theres no way to get on top center tomb .. incase it looks like u can grenade bounce, you cant thanks ,all feedback welcome DOWNLOAD LINK:
This map is a pretty nice map. A little bland but nice. I would reccommend placing barriers on the rest of the elbow to prevent falling off because most people hate that. Also I think that if you put an awesome statue on the top of the tomb this map would be a little more eye catching. On your next post you should add action shots. 4/5
THis looks pretty sick. although i think the elbows would need some work because from the pics it looks as if they would dominate the map. they're elevated and look both into the middle structure and the base. so if one had a good weapon out there, they could control half the map, killing anyone who would spawn in the base. but thats just my opinion
Love the idea. Map looks decent :/ If you make a V2 you should interlock the weapon holder for the bubble shield into the "column, large" so that the weapon holder isn't visible but still does it's job of making the bubble shield the focal point... but hey, its just my opinion. 4/5
well it looks cool and is forged nicely i especially like the middle peice although in the first pic a piece looked unstraight. BUT just like the other map that u made called the pit the gameplay was bad considering al the spawn killing. fix that and a few other things up and it will be just awesome
It's a great map, nice interlocking and such. But you need more rails. I hate fallin off. Good idea with the tomb though.
What can I say? It's good forging. There's also an element of aesthetics, but not much. There's nothing new or different about this map, it's just... average. But I'll still give it a 4/5.
I don't really agree with Benzu, as this and another map I saw before are the only ones that are set up like this. Onto the map, you really should've interlocked the bubble holder. There's a touch of aesthetics, and great for playing a map in the sky. Gameplay- 9/10 Aesthetics- 6/10 Playability- 10/10 Overall- 8/10
Reminded me of blackout for a moment when i looked at it, but then i see its symmetrical. looks pretty solid. gameplay is bound to be fast because of the layout, meaning that the sidepaths will probably be quite un-used in a CTF match. overall: 4.25/5