The Cellars

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 17, 2007.


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  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    The Cellars
    Map Created by AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49


    And so the Foundry maps must cease... for a few days. We discovered that ideas on Foundry were getting sparse and we realized that it was because of the lack of originality there. We had to move on... so we tackled our next foe, Rat's Nest. First we wanted to use one of the 5+ glitch spots... and decided now was not the time. I was roaming around and discovered the cool symmetrical colored hallways. I let everyone else know and they were like, "Hey we can link them through the bridge like this." And while we were blocking stuff off we were trying to think of a gametype. The obvious ones were Assault and CTF. But normally those gametypes offer multiple paths for the bomb/flag carrier. We only had one path. So I thought territories, and it brought me back to a gametype that I never finished on The Pit.

    There are an uneven amount of territories in a symmetrical logical straight line. It takes 10 seconds to capture one and while you capture the first few, you arm yourself to the brim. At the center point the two teams meet and its a fight for the extra territory. After a team takes the territory they force themselves into their opponents territories. This makes for a constant push and shove for territories for 3 minutes per round for 3 rounds. We didn't want any overpowered one shotter weapons. So we used mainly rapid-fire weapons (ARs, BRs, SMGs, Pistols, Bruteshots, Plasma Rifles, and Spikers). Other than those there is one Sniper and one Plasma Pistol on each side. We wanted the fights to be intense and last longer so we reduced damage to 75%. This makes for long lasting and rewarding battles for territories. It makes for great fun for the family!!! Anyways, I hope you guys like the change of scenery for Forge Hub. Off to Standoff...

    Main Hallway

    Second Hallway


    Download The Cellars
    Download Conquest Variant

    #1 TrueDarkFusion, Dec 17, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2008
  2. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Seems like this group should be coming out with a lot more maps in the future. Right?
  3. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Played it the other day, great map, and the only good Rat's Nest map I've seen so far.
  4. jake2k3

    jake2k3 Ancient
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    Looks and sounds awesome. Queued.
  5. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    I'm sure it may be the only good one for awhile that isn't a race map. :(
  6. Rezzik26

    Rezzik26 Ancient
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    Yea for sure. I'm glad you guys have finally left foundry behind for a while. that map gets a bit too much attention.I've been working on some decent infections for rats nest one of them being Cellar. Rats nest has had a bit too many race variants, maybe a good KOTH map? :)
  7. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    Friendly fire is really frustrating on this one, but it's a great map nonetheless.
  8. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    I like how its really closed in...
  9. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Almost like Tunnel Raid. I wanted to make a multi-story version of tunnel raid on Foundry but that doesn't make it go as fast so I threw the idea away.
  10. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I should get around to doing a Rat's nest map.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I'm working on another Rats Nest map kinda sorta having the same idea as we did on this one, but more focused on frantic assault gametype. I just need a bit of help finishing up the final touches.. (AZN) and it will be ready for release.
  12. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    yeah, Titmar and I forge together a lot and i think SargeantSarcasm will also be a big part of many upcoming maps of ours. and AZN does spawn points, dictates and over all makes our maps perfect.

    and sorry Titmar about last night on that map, I was tired and not in a forging mood... so sorry for making your job harder. later today (since its 1a.m.) me you and Sargeant can work on a map... if you guys want to.
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    no big deal, i cant even remember what ur apologizing about ??
  14. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    And yes you can expect more maps from Asper, Titmar, Sargaent, rusty eagle, etc. This is my so called "secret FH forging group". I have been training these guys, and I think they are about ready to florish on their own. I am slowly adding people to this group when I see potential. This group will be able to grab 2 or 3 other members and be able to work with them well, because they will all have the same basic foundation of knowledge... the AZN. Expect more maps from this group.... I think you guys are in for a treat. And just so you guys know I have found another candidate for this group, and not even they know it yet.

    And thanks for the comments. I wasn't aware I had Friendly Fire on... but I guess it adds a whole new element to what we are used to, huh? And if I get too many complaints about it I will change it. Remember to take this as a serious map... this is made to be more competitive than fun. And working together as a team for this is EXTREMELY important. CAUTION!!! Don't play too many times in a row... you will get tired of it. It's made as a matchmaking game is, and not made to be played ALOT.
  15. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Someone made us play this as 3 teams last night and it was horrible. I don't know why he decided we needed 3 teams. But I'm sure this map will play well with only 2 teams.
  16. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    They must have been brain-damaged. It's obviously a 2 team only map.
  17. dark soul 61

    dark soul 61 Ancient
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    Hey, I played this with you guys one day and it was pretty sweet def. a download but you guys just had to have it 4 vs 3 didnt you... ok you just beat our ass pretty bad
  18. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    LOLZ!!! Yeah... it get pretty uneven on uneven teams. But get this... us creators normally get pwned on this map. You can ask Esponeo for the video of where he got about 30+ sticks, cuz he never missed us once. It was 3v3 by the way.
  19. dark soul 61

    dark soul 61 Ancient
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    hey did you change abything on the map since then?
  20. RyaN58

    RyaN58 Ancient
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    this map owns great job guys!

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