Highway Patrol Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Play before Posting, Over 100 Downloads! Highway Patrol is played on Interstate 69. This is cops and robbers basically; theres no speeding, vandilizing, graffiti tagging, murder, and any other excuse you can find to throw people in jail. I set the lives to unlimited because a round can last a good 15 -20 minutes. There are probably multiple maps like this on Sandtrap but I think mine is differnt because of all the differnt things you have available to you for breaking the law. Humans could spawn in a house, the apartments, or as the restuarnt owners. Zombies spawn in the police station(shocker). Screenshots House (there are 3 of them) Apartment Building Restuarnt Restuarnt Parking Lot The Shop Hobo Hut/Drug Dealer Hideout (use your imagination) Cops Spawn Cops Garage Jail Inside Jail (turrent cases are beds) Back of Jail Ways of escaping jail: Use your bed to block the teleporter (effective if more than 1 person is pushing it) Ride out Or the old Western style, Blow-up a wall Best if you warn the person before just firing away though cause this will likely happen Thanks for viewing Play before commenting.
Action Shots Vandalizing a parking lot House Party! ALL the money in the Register now! Help is on the way Table Party! Pull Over! Do you know how fast you were going RV Party! Sloooooow Dooooown She said she was 18! Tea Party! What the..................just go to jail Have Fun!
This is probably the first cops and robbers ive seen on Sandtrap. It looks pretty original from what I can see. Im going to download and try it out.
Oh wow "she said she was only 18" dude LOL, interesting jail...btw you shouldn't have told anyone about the moveable beds...it would've made it harder...but i think this is the first cops and robber maps i've seen on sandtrap
Is this map just for goofing around or is there a way to do some serious game play. I like how you made it so that the people can't blow open the jail by themselves. YOur post was funny but i don't think ill download.
All my friends and I do is goof around, so yes this map is for mostly goofing around. you can get serious if thats how you take Custom Games, seriously. And if your not going to download then why are you even posting in this thread
EPIC. This is better than any foundry or sandbox cops and robbers I've seen, and it's on Sandtrap! You have a genius way of using the natural buildings of Sandtrap into... whatever. I've gotta download this, and play it with friends with a sense of humor!
Thank you. I like to forge on pre-DLC because it's more of a challenge to mold a good game on those maps then as to create a whole new map on foundry or sandbox.
yeh, this is the best cops n robbers i've seen so far. You actually get to do what u want in the world before u go to jail, u don't just start out in a jail(sometimes that just gets boring). Great job, 4.7/5 i'll download.