Allright I've posted this here before but I've changed some small features Well I have planed a map out on Google Sketch-up and I wanted help to make it or make something like it. It is symmetrical. So here are the pics This shot is just a overall view Here is inside the darker structure Here is how the darker structure and the rest of the map connect Here is the structure at the back of the map( the bit at the top of the first pic) Here is inside(NOTE: to save time in forging I will most likely remove the steps) Here is the area were one of the bases will be (I have not decided to put the bases on the higher platform or the lower side) As you can most probably see the map is very empty e.g. Were the bases will be. The design for the bases Isn't included because I haven't come for a design yet. And the black spots are were I could put weapons So any way if you want to help me just put it in your reply to this thread and send me a friend request My Gamertag is HYSCOPIRAHNA6
Looks good, i see the changes youve made. Such as the middle platform that looks better for a weapon stand. This will be in the crypt right? I think it might be over the object limit too. Edit: i just looked through your posts and remember seeing you post this a LONG time back.
Yeh it would be in the crypt and as I said If changes are needed I could change them when making the map If this doesn't work I also have another idea for a map, this other map i'm talking about would basically and a standstill train in the center of the map with carts on the back of the train and the two bases/ sides would be buildings the train would be above the ground (Like a monorail) This other map would be like the map from halo 2 ( the one with the train) but the train wouldn't move and the map would be symmetrical So if you want to help me make either of these maps send me a freind request and we will make a time that we will both be on XBOX LIVE to do some forging