FH SketchUp Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TKS x MoNsTeR x, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [Banner by Icecikle]

    The purpose of this thread is to allow you forgers to post your SketchUp Designs for everyone here at ForgeHub to give feedback on. The only posts made in this thread should be designs or feedback to those designs. Everyone needs to stay on topic and follow the forum rules.

    Things to Include in your Post:
    Design Posters:
    - Include a name and author.
    - Embedded pictures of the design.
    - Download link to the SketchUp file.
    - Additional info.

    Design Critiques:
    - Constructive criticism about the design.
    - Likes and dislikes. (Dislikes include a solution.)
    - Real value. (How good do you think the design will be in forge.)

    Google SketchUp 7
    SketchUp Compression Guide

    by TheEpicCiabatta

    -Plex & Anomaly
    by Solo

    -MLG Daedelus
    by Cerberus Beast

    by Cerberus Beast

    by Cerberus Beast

    -No Name
    by Matty

    by Xylom

    by Cerberus Beast

    -No Name
    by iiHeCtic

    by ZoroSeerus & Solo

    -No Name
    by Cerberus Beast

    -No Name
    by Solo

    by What's A Scope?

    -No Name
    by MickRaider
    #1 TKS x MoNsTeR x, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  2. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I might as well start this thread off.

    A while back, I posted my asymmetrical disasterpiece known as Expanse (if you are unaware of Expanse's existence, you can view the map thread here). Despite completion of the map on Foundry, the limited number of items and budget, as well as a bit of a size issue (too big vertically as compared to horizontally), caused the map to have some major flaws, and it never achieved the success I had hoped it to. After the release of Sandbox, the occasional person would come along and ask me if I was remaking Expanse on sandbox. I replied "no" every time, but in the back of my head, an idea took root. What if I were to make Expanse on sandbox? What if I were to remove the flaws and make the map like I had wanted it to be?

    And so I began to sketch. I sketched and sketched and sketched and sketched and sketched and sketched and sketched some more, and now, finally, after struggling to run Sketchup on the worst computer ever, and after putting my numerous notes, drawings, and ideas together on Sketchup on the worst computer ever, my design was finished. It incorporates everything I wanted Expanse to have, but just couldn't; looming and intimidating structures, connected by catwalks and ramps and the like, strung together and balanced beyond perfectly.

    And now, without further ado, I bring you the one none of you have been waiting for. It's Expanse... but better.

    When beginning my design, I wanted to transfer the better parts of the original design from foundry to sandbox, while injecting elements that I had been unable to before. When designing, I made sure to blend all these elements together at the right consistency, designing a map that should play very similar to chess with guns.

    How does this work? By balancing points A, B, C, and D perfectly so that players X, Y, and Z will have the advantage over one another based on the situation. For example, let's say that a player is at top mid, another at S3, and another at graveyard. because of arrangement of the pillars at mid and S3, the player at top mid will have a natural advantage against the player at S3, while the player in graveyard will be more protected against top mid than S3 due to the angle of the graveyard pieces. Every part, and I mean literally every part, has been constructed with its strengths and weaknesses against any other given part though through more than any other map I've ever designed.

    Not many changes here. The biggest change was the widening of the staircase behind custom, making the area feel much less cramped. The tough arch geo will be to replicate the jump from the foundry garage to C3, serving to depower the C3 juggernaut. The only other change is the weird pillar, but there's only one "normal" pillar on the map, as well as the redesigned cross and addition of the island thingy, but more on that later.

    As much as I would have liked to have kept the slanting ***** wall, the new camo would've made making this section of wall an absolute pain, so the back part of leaningness has been eradicated, and the block large things have been added to break the line of sight along that wall and provide somewhat meager cover. S1 has been redesigned to support the new graveyard, and S2 now sports a snazzy curved ramp. As before, sniper and the elbows are vulnerable to top mid, but have a heavy advantage over the ground floor.

    Rocket base has experienced a complete overhaul, with the addition of an actual R3 and geometry that will provide safer spawning options, as well as making rocket valuable to hold and control over the course of the game, instead of just once every 3 minutes.

    Camo is fresh and hot, and no longer a place you go when you feel like dying. Gay corner is much less gay, and since there is no metal to be found, metal and curved ramp has been converted to a mound of wedge large sexiness. Under the camo/rocket catwalk, a small "goldyard" has been added for spawning and LOS breaking purposes.

    Mid has become a section of the map even more valuable to control than ever, as the addition of a pillar on the garage side of top mid gives it cover from custom. Teams holding mid as part of a well thought out push or retreat will be able to counter any of the bases during these crucial moments.

    Like camo, graveyard is no longer a place to go when you want to die. with the addition of the base in the sniper corner, graveyard is no longer just a graveyard, it's a way of life.

    Weird little island thingy between rocket and custom:
    A new addition to the Expanse design, the island will open up a much needed route from C2 to R3 and back, as well as providing some safe spawning options and geo'ed sex with the map's second amazing wedge contraption.

    Well, I would write more, but I burned myself out on the beginning of the post (even though I now only have to write up about half of the thread when the map gets made) and am kinda tired right now. You can download the sketchup file to get a better look at the design, if you want.
    #2 TheEpicCiabatta, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  3. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for getting this going.

    I must say that this looks pretty darn good.

    The crooked columns seem to be very balanced and they add much "natural" cover.
    The cover on sniper is nice. I love the block off on the snipe corners as they are not just straight, they have some shape that adds some "natural" cover that I like.

    One thing that is bothering me is the amount of walls that you walk on. You're going to have to play with them a lot to make them as smooth as possible.

    There is a column at an angle beside a block double at an angle bottom mid. There is a "slit" between them. Can you go through there or is it just a window type thing?

    Overall, I think this map is very original, has great "natural" cover, and will turn out great in Forge. Keep it up Ciabatta.
    #3 TKS x MoNsTeR x, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  4. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. To answer a couple of your questions, the slit is a window. I also seem to have an inhuman amount of luck when it comes to making the Sandbox walls work the way I want them to.
  5. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That seems like it would come in handy.
    I want to see this map. Have you started forging it?
  6. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not yet. I don't have Xbl or Sandbox access until late August.
  7. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yuck. That sucks.
    Well, count me in when you get it.

    *More SketchUps please!
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Plex (Designed by ZoroSeerus)


    I'm not in the right mindset to type a summary about each design, but opinions on them are greatly appreciated. :D
    #8 Solo, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  9. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    HOLY ****. Solo, those are some amazing symmetricals you have there. Personally I think Plex will end up better than Anomaly, mostly because the lines-of-sight appear much more managed. My only worry is that it doesn't appear that there will be much incentive to go along the ground floor of the map, particularly by the tube columns. Otherwise, Plex looks like it would play very well.
  10. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, man. That was actually a concern of mine as well. I had a talk with ZoroSeerus (the guy who designed Plex) and we discussed the possibility of another raised level by the side tube structures. That will hopefully balance out the hight variation, since there isn't much to begin with. I know what you mean though, you're either on the floor or the mainframe.

    As for Anomaly, that is my design. I thought about MLG Impact by Kon Artist while designing it as inspiration. Since it's a 1v1 map I tried to incorporate LOS blockers as actual playing surfaces. If you look at the center piece, it's easily accessible by a jump and can be used as the main control point. Although it also has function in limiting viewpoints directly from one side to another. Ultimately allowing players to spawn safely in the corners or down below on the middle level. It's a pretty efficient little gadget. :D

    Thanks again for the constructive criticism!
    #10 Solo, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  11. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The bases on Plex are nice, they are not to big or powerful. So, players could not just sit in their bases.
    I love the middle of Plex and the inverse block huges in the middle.

    Anomaly looks amazing and very unique. I can definately see the Impact influence in it. I think something will have to be added to the raised side walkways as they are very bare.
    The whole middle stucture is simply amazing. The arc type things and then the smaller ones in between them look great.

    Great designs Solo. Keep it up!
    p.s. I'm excited because I will be working on these maps!
  12. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Well, this is a really old design that I recently updated. some parts are broken and unplayable for Foundry due to lack of Walls and Double Walls. However, if the design were renovated for the Crypt, I think it might have a bit of potential. The map is called MLG Daedelus. Pics:
  13. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I cant really see much from the pictures but what I can see looks pretty good.
    The middle design looks nice. It is very intricate and unique, however, it doesnt look like there is any cover at all.
    The geos in the third pic look pretty hard.

    Nice sketch Cerberus.
    Keep it up!
  14. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    It's like a symmetrical Regicide! But no, it looks very nice. I'm glad you chose to work with Foundry for this map. The full Sandbox Crypt would be far too large for something like this. The one thing I would suggest is shifting the box ramps in the third picture to a smaller angle so they won't be so steep. This will enable better grenade points (no vertical bouncing) and give a little larger surface for players to walk on. Overall it looks promising. :D
    #14 Solo, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I really like your idea. I have played the Foundry version and I enjoyed it. I always liked the idea of walkways and such, so I think this map will be a success on Sandbox. I can't say much now other than it looks like it will be fun. I have one question though. Why not expand :)P) the 'Sniper' are to the crypt's wall? If anything, it would give the gameplay a more open feel and allow room for more. I can see that your style is very unique, and I can't wait to see the finish product.
  16. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Here's one that I have been tweaking for a while now. It's called Exorbitant. There are some things I will need to address though, primarily cover/LoS, as well as budget and object tallies, but I feel that the general design could work fairly well. I will update this tomorrow once I can get some sleep (haven't been feeling well), and once I calculate the objects and budget for the map. Pics:
  17. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That circular design looks epic.
    The side bases seem like they would overpower though.
    I'd like to see this one in forge.
    Add me Cerberus.
    Nice design!
  18. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Here's one named Rebirth. It is a full-Crypt, unilateral symmetric map. My original design intention was to attempt to change the normal concept of symmetrical CTF designs by accentuating the central high ground, but at the same time managing the LoS from that position such that a player fighting from the high ground will have limited LoS to other areas of interest. The end result will hopefully be a central high ground that will benefit a team who controls it, but not in the usual "I can put shots everywhere from here" concept. In other words, players on Top Mid will have views of all major flag routes and transitions between sections of the map, but they will not be able to easily engage players already in those sections. This will hopefully promote constant movement around the map.

    The other idea that I hope to incorporate is having separate flag spawns and capture points at different corners of the map. Essentially, a team spawns at their starting spawn, runs to the opposing team's high corner, and then runs the flag back down to their low corner. If the paths and LoS are all correctly managed, then this should produce interesting gameplay through longer flag runs and more opportunity to prevent captures.

    Pic key:
    1. Overview
    2. Top Mid
    3. Bottom Mid
    4. Flag Capture Point (Low corner)
    5. Flag Spawn (High corner)
    6. High Courtyard
    7. Low Courtyard
    8. Street
    9. Perspective view of Mid


    Currently, I am not too happy with how Low Courtyard is designed. If anyone has any ideas on what to put there, please present them. I will update this post with a picture of the bottom/floor layout to demonstrate the flow of the floor level of the map. Please, if you have any questions about the design or concerns about any part of it, post them. I want to make the design as good as it can be.

    P.S. The design is slightly off-center with the floor of the Crypt, but it is as close as I can get it without actually doing work :p
  19. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Wow Cerberus you were totally right about what happened to my computer screen...(*looks for kleenex*).

    We can haz collab?

    (keep in mind that you iz syurin meh bebiez)

    Edit: Just so i don't get in trouble for that post...

    The map looks really interesting. Much different then what is considered the norm for MLG.
  20. RevolverOmega

    RevolverOmega Ancient
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    Hey sorry just wanted to ask where did you guys get the halo pieces for sketchup

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