A CnC group?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Knight Kninja, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    exactly what i was thinking.

    Like Ice said, it would be a social group that basically i guess you just have the honour of being in, and trying your hardest to help people. the point of having one is making sure that people keep giving cnc

    "Proving yourself" (in my mind) is exactly what you have to do, but you would be invited in time, depending on what members of the group notice. the way to get into the group would be to give good CnC and get noticed by the people already in the group.

    as for someone starting the group, i would suggest someone who has been here a while and is experienced in gna.. someone like hells, juggy, you, etc.

    to your first part, that is exactly my thinking as well. these should be people experienced enough to be able to tell people what to do and be able to do it themselves if further explanation is needed.

    and yes, i suppose that cnc-ing other things would definetly be part of it, but like we said before, you gotta prove yourself with cnc'ing something you know about, such as drawings/art pieces like you said.

    ryan, the normal cnc right now is failing. thats why i brought this up. im not trying to be harsh but i have not seen very much cnc at all lately on sigs...

    and whats what status thing you are talking about?


    Lookin good guys, keep this up. from what i have read, i think our best path to choose would be to create a group run by some experienced GnA member. They and the others in the group could point out and invite specific members who have proven themselves by writing good cnc and showing that they know what they are talking about.

    Now, basically being part of the group would just kinda mean that you have a commitment to cnc as much as you can/or on a certain amount a day.. idk. It would just show that you will give cnc if asked, and will try to visit threads to cnc.. obviously there would be some prestige of being part of the group, and it is an honour to be part of it..

    hmm cant think of more, im just trying to get all this stuff organized..
  2. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    I agree with everything you just said, and since no one else seems to be jumping on it I'll start the group, but I'll need a few things. Name and description mostly.

    Quick edit: Rules, member list, and other things can be added in discussions later.
    #22 Icecikle, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ice, i added you on msn cause i do wanna help out with setting this up
  4. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Alright, we talked for like a minute, maybe. But I just wanted to tell the rest of the people who are looking into this seriously a few of the name options, Critique Crew, Comment Crew, CnC Group, CnC'ers, other options are welcome. Another thing we need is another person to help run this...And some suggestions on what the description of the group should say.
  5. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    I can help run it. I can be on the critique crew. Been taking art classes (mainly drawing) for yeeeears (since I was 5) so I am pretty darn familiar with my elements and principles of art, as well as stylistic periods etc.
  6. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Nothing with group thats to er 'basic' need something original. I like the crew thing :p


    "With Graphics Art on the Boom, with Signatures,Large Art, or even Graphics for commercial use, why would you need bad Comments and Criticism? Well we are here to prove otherwise. We Dedicate ourselves to bring the best into the mix to help with the community at need. We're here to bring CnC at its finest to the forefront of the GnA, and help rid of bad Cnc"

    Lol i dont know about the last sentence kinda just random imo :p
  7. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    Hahaha I like the description! :p
  8. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Thank you, again im open for writing stuff up :p
  9. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
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    The status thing I was talking about,
    I mean, it'll kinda be like Testers Guild
    Didnt you say you'd have to prove that you're good at CnC?
    I think it'll turn out to, I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-in-this-group

    I think it's a good idea and all, but it would be better if you could just be in it without proving anything. That would get more members, and all different kinds of opinions. How would you prove that you're better that youre good at CnC anyway? It's just opinions basically
  10. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    My understanding is that the group is there to make sure that every piece of work that is posted in the Graphics and Arts forum gets at least 1 or 2 good posts of CnC. Others still CnC as they choose, but this group makes sure that everyone gets the CnC that they should.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ice, hells, and I are working on the rules and everything, we should have this posted in the next 5 or 10 minutes, we are hoping.
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    No. This idea sucks.

    For one, it's better off being a G&A rule than a group. If you guys want a good CnC, TRY NOT TO BE HYPOCRITES, AND DO IT YOURSELF. There's absolutely no reason to have a group, when if you guys gave just a proper CnC overall you wouldn't have to worry. The people who you guys claim don't give CnC properly, aren't going to change. There will still be the same amount of people who don't give proper CnC, and ones who do. The only difference is now we're putting people into cliques.

    This isn't going to help out the graphics and arts, it's only going to separate it. You're saying that you guys want a "proper CnC" well you will only get the same thing. Those who don't give proper CnCs won't give correct CnC if made to give a "proper" CnC, they are going to try and fail, because based on their ability to make signatures, is based on how correct their CnC is.

    So this group, is a waste of time. Only to make you guys feel like you're doing the right thing. It's the same with Icequiems CnC thread. It's completely a waste of threads. Why can't they just go out there and give a proper CnC to all the other threads? The only reason it's alive is because people who suck at signatures, or can't make threads post there.

    Finally, it doesn't matter what CnC is given. Be it proper or not, it's incredibly hard to find anyone who ACTUALLY likes the CnC given, or ACTUALLY does what the user recommends.
  13. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i have no comment except for the last part.. i use people's cnc advice all the time. i find it helpful..
  14. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    Agreed.If I wanted to think like that Fragman, I don't think I would ever better myself as an artist. Taking peoples cnc is helpful in developing skills and broadening your horizons to ultimately become the best you can.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Anyone can claim. It's whether we do what we say. I thought like that before, until I realized "when was the last time I posted an updated signature according to someone's will?"
  16. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i do see what you mean. sometimes i just accept that it is a failed sig, but i also change mine and make updates according to other people's suggestions. i do both.
  17. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    I just hate when there's 45 views and 1 reply. I think we should form a social group of people who pledge to, no matter what, give CnC when they view a thread.
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Boo hoo. Bump up the thread then. Unless you're only complaining about your threads.

    Even with a "pledge," how many people are going to stick with it? How many people are actually going to do it?
  19. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Fraggy... WHo unbanned you? Seriously. GTFO.
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Don't spam Terrax. If you have nothing to say except that because your feelings got hurt, then don't post in here. We are discussing if such a group should exist.

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