Hi, i am making this list because im afraid some1 else will, but really, not every1 will have the map pack at first so i made this list of people to include in your party if you just want to play customs on the new dlc after it's release, i will start a new list of people who DO have it. please post if your getting it. and for myself, i might be getting it depending if my friend. GETTING IT: Shihuru IxGUNxSLINGERxI VestigeL ApollosEpiphany Nemihara xXmooregamesXx Fastforward aBlAz3 American10 chrstphrbrnnn Matty Robbo Th Assa1n Mallet Super Cow 62 xxxmasterofuxxx the other dark zZHiTtHeLiGhTzZ TheLastMohican7 Joey Jo Jo 132 HaloStriker214 super trooper88 Maxwell360 SlasheI2 SoulTyrant02 Projectt2501 The Texan83 roche178 icedemon3 emo asian girl Eduardo Dubs Beettaaa Wakko45 El Capitaine The Texan83 kayaman132 David 118 Biggles2 x Da FUNK x timmeh MNM1245 Toonshorty S Pac 316 Maelstrom 1313 TrueBlue Wolf
Signature Here: Shihuru The day those freaking maps come out, im going to Dl them. And for that whole day im going to forge on it! w00t!!!
Totally, why would you even ask this, I don't any serious forgers would actually not get them the second they come out.
it isnt spam just helps people get custom games faster because like most of you i want to play full party avalanche and ghost town. dont need a party to have a good time on blackout though. im out ill be adding more to the list tommorow
OH BOIZ, A ONLINE PETITION!!! IM GONNA SIGN SIGN SIGN! /SINED aswell for the next 100 people or so, /signed.
well, I am getting them, but I don;t really do customs (Horray for being social) Lol... jk. If anyone sees me on, send me a Game invite. I probabally won't talk, though. Lol... Signed: xXmooregamesXx
Man at like the first second of april 15th im downloading them and making a money glitch map on them then forging on them!!
Its 50/50 atm since the new COD4 maps are out. But im signing here anyway since post count represents ***** size.