What is it? LightSnare is somewhat small 'neutral assault' map where made for 2-4 players on each team. The map has identical bases other than the fact the it's opposite (something on the left hand side of one is on the right on the other). In the centre is the bomb on a geo-merged single box (open) and inside is a shotgun with very low ammo. and to either side of that are geo-merged single box (open)'s again one with an active camo inside and another with a radar jammer and brute shot on top. The base also features a mongoose 'inside' the base with the entrance covered with pallets. The aim of the game is for your team to take the bomb and place it in the other teams base. Strategy One way is to have one person on the turret and the rest of the team rush to the bomb, one takes shotty and other goes for bomb. The bomb holder then goes for the active camo while being defended by another teammate. Video Coming Soon Screenshots Base 'A' / Base 'B' is the same but the mongoose is on the right instead of the left (Base 'B' is reverse of Base 'A') This image allows you to see my not so wonderful interlocking skills =/ The bomb and central section of the map (wewt - geo-merging ftw!) The active camo (notice bomb holder cant hide in the back corridor in foundry =p) Bruteshot on top of geo-merged single box (open) with radar jammer inside. Now for some action shots... It's me, jumping out of a crate in a mongoose... Me again, with a cool yet unfortunate spawn kill from the red team. Thanks for taking the time to check out the map, the download links to the map and the 2Base-1Bomb gametype to go with it are just below. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
although that structure in the first pic is well forged and the geomerging is good, it looks as if this map is very empty, especially the side part of foundry where the corridors are blocked off. Either you shouldve blocked off that entire section, not just the corridors, or put something there because this map just looks very blank. You can obviously forge well though, so i would suggest a v2
The screenshots make it look worse than it is. Play it with some friends and see what you think, your so focused on the bomb that the side area isn't really noticed. Although if anyone want's to block it up for me feel free
ok for one the merging and geo merging on the map is pretty good, although the map itself is pretty bare. there are a lot of ways to block off the foundry pockets, i use doors and using fence walls via the teardrop method. you need to have more than 1 layer of ground, e.g high points, snipe towers. the geomerging is good but you need to put ALOT more onto this map. 2/5 sorry, not enough to do.
I agree with what has been said becauseeven though you might not notice it in a game, it makes the map look worse. you obviously got the skill to block of the sides an add some varience to the elevation but you don't. 2/5
Thanks for constructive criticism guys ... Will work on v2 tomorrow. Not sure where to make the map 'more than 1 level' but I will work on filling the gaps.
looks like good bases and well done for geo-merging, I can never do that, but I feel it's a little empty around the corridors. Plus if you havn't used the windows, use them to block off the small rooms other than man cannons, I hate seeing that in competetive maps. Good effort, at the moment 3.5/5, add more cover and block off the rooms in some other way. Well done!
Yeah, you should probably block off the whole back section if you're not going to fill it in some more. If you've ever played grifball on a foundry map (which I'm sure you have at least once) the do what they do. Im sure you still have a good number of items left to block that off. And make sure it's high enough so people can't get out of the map. From the look of the bases and what not, you're obviously a good forger. Make some more structers/cover, I would reccomend some sort of raised platforms or just something that changes the environment for some better gameplay. 3/5 for now, I'm looking forward to a version 2. Oh yeah, and maybe extend the bases out and up a little more? Just a sugestion, good luck with the v2. EDIT: Try looking at some MLG maps for inspiration, they usually have a good way of adding catwalks and things like that that are raised up.
wow this is amazing holy crap. why isnt it featured. ok seriously now the map has 2 and 1/2 good structures only .5 because i like the camo spawn but it looks like it took little effort and time. all u have on the map is 2 base structures and 3 middle pieces and foundry is blocked off and that made the gameplay terrible. also the 2 fusion coils at the spawn people could shoot and the other team would die. but u r not gonna get over a 0.25 out of ten from me until u add more structures and a weapon list