Foundry MLG X-Tension

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Sandboxbuddy92, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Sandboxbuddy92

    Sandboxbuddy92 Ancient
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    The 2nd time around for my map "X-Tension" in Forgehub. V2 includes a lot of new updates, such as smoother interlocking and new weapon placement.

    The concept has been a work in progress for me for the past year or 2...not like i've been working on it that whole time of course. Here's an early rendering I made in solidworks. I based my Forge design off of this one, and tried to make it as identical as possible.


    It's amazing how much flare the design lost....


    Most notably different is the basement to the sniper area, complete with wide tunnels (versus the simple bridge that I had over it before). Also, the mancannons have been replaced with the more simple (and obvious) gravlifts.




    Spawn system is built around the maps opposite bases (naturally).

    Weapon placement on this map is mainly based on matching them to the area...but the grenade placement is more or less random. I like battles with more excitement, such as sticks and snipes, so you're sure to find quite a few stickies lying around.

    I did manage to include a number of nifty jumps for use on this map. They're fairly easy to find...but there still is one super secret special spot that's hard to find! See if you can find it!

    Hint: you'll know you've found it if you see the super special secret object (propane tank) ;)

    One neat twist: for CTF matches the flag spawns on top of the base and must be returned mid-base.

    Oddball "Ball" spawns in the middle box.

    3 Hills for King of the Hill located teleporter side's of both bases and at the sniper area.

    There was one REALLY cool element that I was planning to use on this map but didn't get to. Originally a grav lift spawned in the middle or the map every 120 seconds. During a CTF match, a team who controlled the grav lift would be able to use it for a quick route up to the flag spawn. But...alas. Equipment on a map deosn't work for MLG.

    The map was designed with "BR Starts" in mind :)







    10 Battle Rifles
    2 Carbines
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 Maulers


    1 Overshield

    ...and thats about it.

  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Looks cool, really cool prgram you did as the "insperation". Looks pretty cool, and is the "special" spot the railing near the roof? =)
  3. Sandboxbuddy92

    Sandboxbuddy92 Ancient
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    erm no...a little more complicated than that I'm afraid.
  4. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    it looks like you put a lot more work into the forging when looking at the comparisons between v1 and2 and it looks generally smoth and well forged...the main problem i have is the center it just seems sorta plain and empty compared to the rest of the map. The map also looks kinda square and blockish in a lot of portions. In addition it looks like while some areas have decnt amount of cover....other areas generally between two points with lots of cover have very sparse cover. Its still apparent that you put alot of work into forging this and it looks like it could still be fun to play 7/10
  5. Sandboxbuddy92

    Sandboxbuddy92 Ancient
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    Thanks for the input. I know what you mean about it looking plain...I've been struggling to come up with some sort of cool design for the middle. I'm kind of limited with my materials though.

    And yes the middle is definitely empty. When I designed this map i had mostly the mid-range br battles in mind...again, I guess my next place to work is in the middle.

    As far as cover goes...I basically made it so that the farther you push in the less cover you have. It has suited me perfectly fine; I suppose it's just a matter of opinion.
  6. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    i think this map is actually amazing.
    but the middle..... i suggest putting a box in the middle and put stairs surrounding it at all sides so it looks like this:

    [] = box
    -- and l = stairs

    but if theres not enuf space u can geomerge them all to the ground. u dont hav to do it but its my opinion
    #6 KILLn Machine12, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  7. Sandboxbuddy92

    Sandboxbuddy92 Ancient
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    Thanks man, glad you like it.

    thanks for the suggestion for the middle...i might do that or something similar.
  8. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    It looks like a pretty good map, I'll DL tomorrow (I'm to tired and lazy to do it now) and try to comeback with some more input. It looks greatly improved from the first version. Maybe add a little bit more cover in pic #6? Overall great job and what program did you use to design it? Please tell me it was free xD.
  9. Caucasion Tift

    Caucasion Tift Ancient
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    Looks like an incredible improvement from V1 and i agree with everyone else that the middle needs a little somethin-somethin. Great job 4.8/5
  10. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    Yeah this looks really good fun, and is well designed and well forged.
    my only thought... perhaps this isn't THAT mlg? i mean with the grav lifts, and teleporters and the (cool) idea of the grav lift in the middle? then maybe you could play around with the weapons list and i think it would be generally more fun!?!? idk, what do you think?
  11. Sandboxbuddy92

    Sandboxbuddy92 Ancient
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    thats a valid suggestion.


    no no no....FAR from free. sorry man. the program I used was Solidworks. the cool thing about it tho is that you can apply textures to the surfaces of models that you make and then generate real-looking renders of it. its pretty tight.

    yep yep i'm definately getting that vibe. the one problem is that i can only spawn corner walls and window panels, making it difficult to merge things into the ground...which is what i am wanting to do. and plus i only have corner walls and window panels to work with :( too bad the map isn't budget glitched.

    idk man...back in the good ol' halo 2 days, there was teleporters galore...and a ton of power weapons too. it seems like a lot of mlg maps have lost their flare, and become plain, leveled-out BR maps. i kind of wanted to bring back some of the coolness with this map.

    but i agree: the fact that i cant use equipment (grav lift) in this map is a bummer.

    so you think that this map would work better in the "Competitive Maps" thread then?

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