As most of you may know, I use The GIMP, as I cannot afford PS. However, at Costco today, I saw PS Elements 7 for around 80$. Should I get it? Whats the difference between PSE and PSCS? Pros, vs cons?
well first off, elements lacks some tools that cs has like the pen tool. Elements has basic stuff and features good for simple photo editing and adjusting. Cs, is good for making stuff from scratch, advanced photo editing and much more. So i recommend just saving your money until you can get Cs. (and when you do, don't get Cs4, get Cs3)
Agreed up until this part. I upgraded from CS3 to CS4 and I would never go back. It is better in literally every aspect they bothered to alter and CS4 is the only type that has 3D. It might be limited to CS4 Extended, as that's what I have and haven't checked the regular version, but its probably not.
Well yeah its got 3d. How cool. It is basically the Windows Vista of photoshops ( in my, and plenty of other ppls opinion) I prefer cs3 any day.
I completely agree. I was in the CS3 beta (unfortunately I'm back to using Photshop 7.0 [basically CS1]), and I loved it. Every CS4 product has a really poorly designed and rather clunky UI that actually slows down the workflow. As for the OP, I have Elements 7 and Photoshop 7.0, and I use Photoshop 7.0 for everything save a few brush packs that won't open in older versions of PS. Elements is really lacking in most tools you would need to do serious graphics and design work (in fact, the splash screen shows a photo-manipulation that I know for a fact was done in CS3, and could not possibly have been made in Elements 7 because of its lack of the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush functionality that is in full versions of PS).
Well i use cs4, and i like it, ive never tried the others, but its much more kewler than gimp imo, so see if the got cs4 or cs3.
I have CS4 and like it a shitload more than CS3, everything is more organized and there are 3D wins. And BTW, before I had CS4 I got CS3 for free, thanks to youtube, then when I wanted to upgrade I searched on youtube and got my CS4 extended for free. So browse around, it took me like 3 hours, but that was like 6 months ago so the video has probably been deleted by the Adobe Company...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mace Quote: Originally Posted by Huntar hey, i can teach you how to get CS3 or CS4 for free if you want :] not only do I not want to torrent it due to viruses, if my parents saw it on the computer, they would know I pirated it and I would get my balls nailed to the floor.
I don't think of it that way..Just get somone with the torrent *cough* Miraj *cough* to send you a code.
Your parents care that much? Odd mine don't at all, they say I am being responsible with my money lol.
Just tell your parents that your online friend gave it to you. Also, I have never gotten a virus from a torrent, and I have downloaded a shitload of stuff from piratebay
Save your $80 and stick with GIMP, you'll understand it better, and it has more features than elements I believe.