I never did understand the size restrictions. So long as it can be considered a sig, I see nothing wrong with entering it.
Thats the thing I don't understand. I really wanted to get creative, but the maximum canvas size really limits people from using these ideas. So you think Linu won't mind if i post this?
Well, it says right in the rules that the sig must be 500x200 px or smaller, but you could say that the image with the Brumak is the sig and the rest is decoration lol... that might get around the rule. Edit: For actual CnC: The right side looks good, but on the left the Brumak image doesn't sit properly in the dinosaur's hand. The claws should cover more of the image. Also, the mouth looks like it should be sticking through the Brumak image or something... This is very original though, and very well done. Good work.
People do make vertical sigs sometimes, I think. I think you should try and put the dino's right claws in front of the Brumak image.
Version 2 I'm thinking of adding text, how should I do it and what should the text say? I'm thinking something like "Always a Bigger Fish In the Sea" or "And you thought you were bad.."
stringy stuff looks really pixelated.. and the bottom left of the sig looks a little weird on the claw.. did you try putting the claw over it?
I think the pixel problem occured when I sharpened it when a transparent background. I'm going to enter this signature. I guess i'll see what happens now won't I?