Hey everyone, I was bored the other day so I took a large piece of foam, Put aluminum tape all over it, drew a Zombie on it and shot it up with my ak-47. lol I think it's cool. Tell me whatchya think!
interseting zombie and interesting idea.. i like it though.. that is the most unique zombie i have ever seen.. borderline cute. no offense i like it im not trying to make it sound bad lol
lol No offense taken. I was trying to make something interesting XD take that in whatever way you will. lol
I have to say, I am always amazed when I see the artwork that you make, either with the Pen Tool in Photoshop, or the art you actually draw. It always looks really cool. I really like the style of the zombie, its unique. I also have to agree with Knight Kninja, it does almost look cute lol.