So yesterday I was playing team slayer and I saw this guy. His name was (*****) - (Sorry for the racial slur but that was actually his name). So I was like HOW IN THE ****?!?!?! So I went to his tamer profile and his name was rastah something so I message him asking "How in the **** did you get your name like that in game??" he then replys "I hacked it" oh and you know when you get a message and it says who it's from.. Yeah that was (*****) also. If anyone knows how he did this do tell Later, Chris!!
Hey do us a favor and go to your messages on and take a screenshot of the message he sent you and post it here.
Alright Ill do that tomorrow. I didn't think to do that. EDIT: Alright here is the picture of the message he sent me Sorry about the quality.. Took the picture with my phone.
Actually, something fishy has been going on recently yesterday Shishka's gamertag was changed to like Sancho or something and right now Walshy is a staff captain.
That's becausee someoone modded their xbox so that they can use any gt they want including already used ones so when you look at Walshy's stats it's the modder's stats and not the actuall walshy same with shishka.
Hmm? Hacking is a crazy thing. These hackers are finally figuring out the 360. I wonder if we'll be seeing soft mods a d hard mode like on the original xbox soon? They probably won't be public if we do see these types of mod because these new hackers are selfish as ****!! Haha I asked this guy if he could do that to my name and he's like "yeah for a 3 month." I remember the good old days of halo 2 when hackers would help people. I knew I was one of the nice hackers that would only do fun mods in matchmaking then if someone asked how to do it I'd steer them in the right direction. But now a days I you as a hacker how to do something they'll say something like "I'll help for a MS points..."