Messing with text. Which version is best? By the way, this is abstract, and my first. V1 V2 V3 V4 Also, CnC is appreciated.
find a better place for your text, it doesnt look well placed in all the first 3 versions. for now, i would go with v1
I prefer v4 with no text. As for CnC, I love the colors and the effects are nice. It's more bubbly than galaxy....y IMO but still appealing. Good job.
v4 wih no text.. i have no idea what to add really.. maybe try putting a stars stock on lighten and see how that turns out with it.. other than that its perfect
V1 or V1 with v3's text placement. Not v2 because text isn't very good and not V4 because it isn't very clear what its about. So I think V1 has the highest vote.