Mostly self explanitory bassicly rate the persons signater above from 1-10 BTW I dont know how to spell signerture
since when is this here? arr....maybe it will get us more traffic iuuno. I don't like... not your sig, the thread... your sig is ok, text isn't the best and over sharpening. 6/10
I really like the concept and all, but maybe if you enlarged the stock a bit more to see the people easier. I like it 9/10.
Jesus this thread is a year old! lol Oh well, 8.5/10 Hells. Its a good stock but not many effects and the text is abstract. Oh no, now someone has to do mine, change it quick! rofl jk
he got the idea from My post i made yesterday.. i thought it was a good idea.. anyways, 8/10 flow seems a little off in the background (c4d's or whatever you used)
Very good depth and nice use of a fire stock. 8.5/10 Why is this thread still open? Isn't there another thread just like this with like 100 times more posts?