*Hey guys, this is my first time posting a map so just tell me what to add next time or if the post is ok. Now ond to the map. MLG Neon V2Description:This is my first real attempt of making a map so take it easy (although its not basic at all). Anyways the map itself is a symmetrical MLG stlyed map. I forged it alone in around 6 hours (im a slow forger) and updated it many times, though this the first real/playabe version. Due to the object limit, which is not very cool at all, i had to limit spawns (still not leaving space for spawn killing) as well as weapons and some map asthietics leaving the map ugly, but good for gameplay. I have tested it out many times and they have all turned out well, with some minor flaws but well. The map supports MLG Team slayer only (mainly 4v4s and 3v3s). Weapon list:2 Snipers - 1 extra clip - 120 seconds drop spawn. 1 Mauler - 2 extra clips - 60 seconds drop spawn. 8 Battle Rifles (BRs) - 2 extra clips - 30 seconds spawn. Pictures (With callouts): Blue base/spawn - Same as Red. Blue sniper tower - Same as Red. Blue elbow, and side base - Same as Red. Middle (there is a mauler, just didnt appear. Dont ask me why) Overview WELL... I guess thats it. Please rate and leave comments. Also constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. PS. Guys do you think i should try to make another Mlg map? This time hoping that the object limit doesnt ruin it at all? Its up to the public if i keep forging or not.... And before i forget.... Download Here ----> http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=89180859
looks well put together and a good play, but some things you could fuse to take out the cracks to make the map even better.
The side structures are awesome and look like they would provide awesomwe gameplay but on the other hand the bases look a little under developed.
Is your mauler on drop spawn? If it is then that is probably why it didn't show up when you expected it to. If you didn't inentionally put it on drop spawn then perhaps you accidentaly placed it in the air instead of on the ground where it was supposed to be so that it is falling and then dissapearing. Also, this should be in the MLG section if it is an MLG map.
ok how can i change it to the mlg section? Post it again there? "but on the other hand the bases look a little under developed." I TOTALLY understand you. i was going to make em much better but the object limit didnt allow me 2. PS. Yes the mauler is on drop spawn
You can get mod to move it for you. And the map looks ok, nothing separating it from other MLG maps of this caliber. Also not a fan of using woods on Sandbox, but I guess you did what you had to do. It's all a bit boxy though. Try to utilize the power of Interlocking and use more maps if you decide to make another map. And never be afraid of taking a long time on a map and asking for help.
Might want to put up some guard rails along the edges, looks like it would be really easy to fall off during a BR fight.
i think that some of your cover could use some help. if you notice in some MLG maps, they like to use ledges that cannot completely conceal you for cover. I think you should look into that and take out the wall slits that look very out of place. Although i really like that center structure - thing. 4/5