SHIPMENT _________________________________ Shipment is a remake of the Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare's shipment. I know many people have remade this map but this is a very close resembalence and was very fun to make. it took a total of 15 hours to make and perfect. __________________________________________________________ Gametypes I have created two gametypes to resemble Call Of Duty's Gameplay. The first is a classical slayer, easy enough. The other is headquarters were you try to capture the most territories of the round. ____________________ Pictures The maps layout Our Map [/URL] A broken down car [/URL] Just some more picts of the map [/URL] [/URL] Well thats it. hope you like it. it was a great map to make. DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD SLAYER DOWNLOAD HEADQUARTERS
I'm going to assume that you would recommend that the map should be played with 200% gravity. Also, because its a smaller map, perhaps you should include a weapons list. It also looks like your interlocking was good and it looks almost true to the remake, so great job!
I have seen this type of map many times on foundry but this map looks a lot better than the foundry versions. Maybe make a v2 with more detail and make the border higher.
this map is great. i think i remember testing this game once awhile back. is your gamertag perhaps ANYHILATER. anyway sweet map. it was sooo fun playing on it. espesially team snipers and swat. 5.5/5
Wow. Looks pretty close to the actual one. Someone would probably jump over the edges of the map though.
the gametype is 200% gravity though so its probably possible but very difficult i will make a v2 with higher edges
This map is pathetic. I don't care if it's a remake or not, the least you could have done is make the border 2 walls high, 3 is better. Besides that, the tin cups look out of place and you could have added something to the original CoD map. 15 hours to make??? This is pathetic for even 3 hours.
dont be hatin benzu13 this is like the first map i ever made and theres no way anyone is getting out of it, its impossible and has been tested for those types of kinks
Its defiantly not impossible to get out of and why didn't you flip the cups upside down instead of making all those extra blocks to get rid of the flags. Maybe for the v2 you could do it in the sky box using flipped tin cups mainly as the ground for the grass.
if the tin cups were upside down you wouldnt be able to walk on them?? unless you make the hole floor out of them and i dont think there is enough to do that. maybe though idk
thanks for the idea but the tin cups you cannot walk up them so we ran into a problem there cause we already had the map like done but thank you dak393
i put a picture in this to see how accurate this map really is. nice job dude,. wow its like perfect.
really? i thought this map is great if played right you shouldnt try to get out anyways look at the best in it and dont bash him for trying i thought it was great and the best remake sofar 10/10 dumeh
You can not walk up them but if they were interlocked and made up most or all of the floor it would be fine you could interlock walls if you run out of tin cups or put tube rams around the edge/ ramps (if you do the map in the middle section) (if you want to remake it in the skybox, I kind of think thats best but its up to you, just interlock walls for the rest of the floor) If you want help on this I will be available tomorrow or the next day if you have any other questions or don't understand just ask.
honestly? I'm not gonna comment on how the map plays but aesthetic wise, this looks like it could have been thrown together in less that 10 minutes. I recommend that you at least make it look nicer in some ways, but accuracy wise it's good. Maybe you should turn on some filters to make it look more like CoD? Or at least make the walls higher... turning on high gravity to compensate for low walls is just lazy.
thats exactly right cowboypickle23 you cant jump at all in CoD so thats why i made the gametype like that