I don't get how the body was perfectly stretched out to cast the shadow of an airplane. Its like the chances of that happening is the chance you'll make Bungie favorites. I do think it deserves it though. Nice job
I just recommended this shot to i heart halo 3 screenshots. We'll see if it makes it there in a few days.
Thanks guys, I hope that i can get this recognized to get some DL's. And thanks to everone who recommended the shot to Halo Screenshots. It Made It!!!
Yes its on my fileshare, Shi No Numa, but your going to need to delete a few objects to get the same effect.
Im suprised this is getting this much attention. Ive seen plenty of funky shadows on halo,but this one is pretty cool.
Whoa. That. Is. Nuts. This is what should be on Bungie Favs, rather than Clan and Website based crap. What happened to the community?
Oh wow. I clicked on this thread and I thought the shadow would like like a tree or something random, not an actual plane. That, my friend, looks like freakin' plane. You are pretty awesome.