Crossfire Created by Winterburner Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (4 - 8 players, 6 or more preferred) (was too lazy to make others supported) Map Description This Map I made with a bit of inspiration from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare map called Crossfire. This is just a "raw" version of the map, I just wanted to test what kind of map I could do. I'm gonna make a version 2 later, possibly in the crypt, since in this version it took too many blocks and walls to make the walls around the map. The map is quite a basic slayer map with wide open areas mixed with closed areas for some good close quarters action. Also there's enough for those who like to be behind the sniper rifle up on the balcony. Weapons List Battle Rifle x5 Assault Rifle x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Particle Beam Rifle x1 Sub-Machine Gun x1 Brute Spiker x1 Brute Shot x1 Shotgun x1 Spartan Laser x1 Covenant Carbine x1 Equipment and other things list Firebomb Grenade x2 Spike Grenade x2 Plasma Grenade x1 Frag Grenade x1 Regenerator x1 Power Drainer x1 Deployable Cover x1 Plasma Cannon (turret) x1 Don't worry, there's not too much snipers possibly a thing I'll change for v2 but it'll remain like this in this version. kind of an overview, a bit messy because of the badly forged roofs the first team's spawn (defenders if I'm correct) the other team's spawn (attackers, mirite?) another view of the second team's "base" laser spawn "tower", explosives prevent camping behind the cover "regenerator house" and the turret tower, the middle square g] inside the "regen house" inside another house that contains power drainer and shotgun So, comment, possibly download and give some advice on what to include in the actual version that's coming later. Remember this is just a 'raw' version. [url="http://]Download Crossfire[/url] Pics fixed now, hooray!1
Did you embed your sceenshots off of If you don't the links will either be broken or just not right. Can't wait to see it when you get the pics working.
Go here > Halo Screen Shots Then click on your shots. Copy the "forgehub code" and paste it in your post.
Ohh, I'm fixing the images ASAP. I didn't have time for that earlier and I didn't use because it just doesn't work for me :/ (the loading takes forever). EDIT: fixed now aaaaaaaaaaaaand weapons list coming SOON
I didn't say (at least didn't mean) it resembles that map. I just made this with inspiration from that map. If you get it.
I foud out it isn't possible to make a map as big as Crossfire (CoD4) with the amount of objects that are available in Sandbox. That's why.