^Topic I'm wondering because I have a gamemode creation in mind where dying would put you in a room that can only be unlocked by having a teammate knocking out some doors... Any help?
Ahhh, switches, my specialty. There are multiple ways to do it, block a teleporter with a soccer ball, then your ally can move it, use the H3 Artificer "slide door", so you walk on a custom powerup and the door opens, or you can use a portable grav lift to open it. If you want to know more about the slide door or any other switch go Here edit:Here is one of the pics
Like the post above, there is many, many ways to create a door opener, and the best way to make one depends on the layout of the map, and how much open space you have. /send me a FR anytime and I'll help you create your door the best way you see fit.
Hay guys check meh 0ut i r in that pic...swoi swoi swoi anyways there are many ways to create switches like you mention... check out halo 3 artificers it shows all the switches http://z9.invisionfree.com/h3artificer/index.php?
This would have been helpfull to know a few days ago lol. Time to go retry an idea I had now that I know how to make a gate open and close. Edit: Hmm can't quite get the power ups to the point where they are blocking the bottom path yet still able to be picked up. Nearly had one working with pallets instead but needed some tweaking and a few people came in and started ****ing around so I decided to take a break for lunch.
Easiest is make a closed room with a sender inside, and reciever right outside, blocked by crate, wire spool, etc. Then have a teammate remove blocking item so you may get out. (Cell Block 71)
I made one that has two dumpsters on its end straight up. and you lay a grav lift that pushes them up into a holder, and then when you get the two powerups next to it, it spawns under them locking them in place. If you want me to show you it, just msg me
A real easy way of doing it is put 2 fence walls paralell to each other, then put a dumpster in between. And don't forget one more fence wall on top of the 2 fence walls. Then the teamate just needs a grav lift to open the door and it lifts right up. For example I have one in my map called Da House...Hope this helped. If you need any more help pm me........
Me and a mate of mine (echo K9) have just sorted it in a way that works 100% and isn't so huge to be un-usable. EDIT: Download here Fence walls in place so you can see how things work. I'll start a new thread with full detailed build proccess and pics if y'all want. But for now here are some pics of the structure and as I walk through it. The structure: Me at the start: Activating the switch: Fusion coils colliding and destroying gravlift holding the dumpster: Goal:
so, coyote had the idea first and his is much better because someone can't shoot at the fusin coils underneath it, they have to get the power up.
I think It was a ponit of suggestion of a switch... how one builds it... is never mind nor the point of who posted it first... the point of whose is better is again the fact of oppion of the one going to use it... NOW>.. to the topic of the switch... the fence walls I am guessing for Coyote and Zero Fox is the same method of showing how it works.... NOW for the shotting it underneath... both of you failed to see that if you toss a nade on top it should cause the fusion coil to go off locking the door for a second... I feel if you look at that way... Zero foxes works better... bt agai... its still open to improve...
people care becuase ideas are worth a lot in this word, its like stealing a writers book, or an architects drawings, I agree waylanders is better, but he should still credit coyote and Zero.
I don't care that he made it, I know he used mine and zeros concept, I don't know if he meant it to sound like this but to me it sounded like he is saying he came up with the entire thing himself... If he said that he got the idea and workings from us then go ahead make it, I don't care. I could care less if all I did was make the idea and someone else made it and helped the community make it, I would just want them to give credit where credit is due. I hope this issue does not escalate and I'm sorry if anyone was offended by this entire thing. This switch was one of the main things that me and zero were going to use to show h3artificer working, and if waylander gives credit to us, in front of forgehub, I am happy, all I want is for forgehub to know that us, the artificers can make USEFUL things. Waylander, I would be honored if you joined our site. Mine and zeros version is better because it can be used on flat ground, your for conserving objects, they ARE the same switch, they have the same mechanics, just different parts in it. It is like a different brand of the same product.
Yes I got the idea and basics for it from this thread and the links to the h3artificers site with the MSpaint sketch of the idea. I never claimed it as my own, just said that me and my mate had finally figured out how to get it from picture to working structure without it being huge like the other times I tried it. Also Coyote the pics you posted before I posted mine didn't show how it worked o that was no help. You want full credit, take it I really don't care I just enjoyed solving the puzzle. Happy now? Is your E-***** bigger than mine again? As for throwing a grenade down to open the gate, why? easy enough to just pick up the power up. Locking it wont work because the window panels and receiver nodes are right up against it to keep it in line. And if your really worried about it, it's easy enough to put a couple shield doors around it.