When you log in to PlanetRenders, click on the image that seems to have a black background, and it opens a new window with an enlarged version of the image with a white background. Right Click and then Save As. Save it wherever you want. When you go to use the image, it will have a transparent background.
Yea, I tried everything. I posted it into Paint.NET, black background. Paint, still black background. In the preview picture it even looks transparent but I do not understand why neither program is letting me have it like that.
You have to Log In to planet renders, left click on the image, and then right click on the window that's opened and Save As. It works for everyone else, and it works for Paint.net.
Okay, it's just a question, anyways, why can't you use that one? The background is transperant, so Ctrl+C Ctrl+v it in.
If you're trying to get a transparent background, you have to export the file as a .png, or in the file tab there might be an option to "save for web & devices" which you will need to use, save as a .png and there might be an option to check transparency. I use CS4, so I'm not too sure about paint.net