Thanks for the response guys. Anyway lately I've tried to be more friendly with me, and just go with the flow.
He said that they go to his school lol.... They dont exactly seem like friends though.... I would just tell them that their maps suck... They would either: A) ask if you think you have something better. B) boot you (but are they really friends then?) C) ignore you (you should then leave, gather friends and make them want to join your game) Its worth a try...
Tell them you'll put a cap in their asses, and if they don't listen, remind them you know where they live.
Honestly, this type of occurrence blemishes the internet as a whole, not just Halo 3, or Xbox Live. While it originate from young players, or stubborn minds as you claimed, it's all revolved around opinion and expansion of their mind. I'm sure when we all first started our journey in the world of Xbox live/Halo 3, we loved those types of games. We didn't know what to expect from the game, and all we knew was this independent game type, so we stuck with it. At that time, it was enjoyable, entertaining, and replayable. We never decided to spend excessive time to enhance our fun, for it would've been redundant (Which we could say is a problem now, being we're to stuck on 'perfect' maps, we can't assimilate ourselves with the old ways). I wouldn't blame your friends, and I wouldn't blame you. It's a simple matter of opinion as I stated before, and you're going to have to get used to it while playing with other people. Of course, you could show them your way of fun, but for them to accept yours, you're going to have accept there interpretation in a sense. See what I mean?
*News Reporter* "And later tonight- 7 classmates are wounded and 6 are dead in this cafeteria after a local boy steals a gun and open fires on these children for not promoting him to party leader........ Its okay though because this was all done on Halo" lol
I don't experience these types of kids too often and it's not just the twelve year olds. It's more associated with general stupidity. Whenever I conclude that the people I'm playing with would be better off sticking their heads in sand rather than showing the world what stupid looks like, I will either leave the game (if they're too dumb to reason with) or play on and make the game as miserable as possible for them. By then, hopefully, they kick me from the party, because I know that anyone who takes fat kid seriously can't be reasoned with. I just want ruin fat kid for them.
does anyone know how to make your friends play games that are actually fun like real infection? or stuff like that because i got my best friend into halo and all he plays are these gay infection games. and it bugs the crap outa me. and then hes like lets play doubles. and im like dude you suck rlly bad ill help you get better and hes like no i wanna play infection - how to fix pl0xZ?
Well i've noticed alot of people thought they were my friends. I just said kids from school. one of them is my friend, but also friends with them. In the end, he decided to stick with them, damn peer pressure (pissed at him now, not really going to be his friend anymore). Later I joined again and they were playing a cloned version of Smear the Pinkie, but they were in a party so I couldn't talk with them. I was just playing, not even talking, and they kicked me out. It's kind of sad, really. I sent them messages along the lines of "Stop being so stubborn, I didn't even do anything" and I know they're probably laughing. They are one of those faggotty groups of popular kids at my school, and I have to deal with this kind of crap all the time. I joined again to try to talk to them again, maybe convince them otherwise... but again, what did I even do? I tryed to give them ways to have more fun. Meh, I don't really care. But when school starts they'll try to gang up on me and kick my ass. For being a "retard". That's my school for ya.
I'll simplify this easily. Make friends at Forgehub. (No one here plays fat kid and crap you describe) .... profit
Yeah, I've been trying to join more TGIFs and stuff and getting my friends to join. That really is the best solution.
I just lol'd. I deal with these kids too, almost everytime I play customs. But then again, it's my fault for playing with them, and their unbalanced crap. Whenever they tell me to shut up or that I suck, I just simply tell them to; A) Grow some balls. B) Get laid. That usually gets them to shut up. But majority of the time, they kick me.
I resent that. Nerds aren't always like that. AHEM! Anyway it sounds like my and brother and his friends. And my friends. And my classmates. God I need to move. Just leave if your getting bored, that's what I do. Ooh ooh! Let me guess, there favorit playlists are either griffball or living dead. The game with barely a purpose, but is livable with, or Bungies "idea" of infection. Seriously, Bungie has to be toying with us. Maps can't be this unbalanced, can it?
yes... i am younger than 15 (not telling u real age u pervs) year old but still... im WAYYYYY better at forge than alot of people on my friends list
I know what you mean. I have to stories of gay XBL fags for everyone today: I'm playing shotty snipers, we need two more kills and theres about 45 seconds left in the game and the other team needs like 15 more. Some tard starts to try to betray me while teabgging the ground. I kill him first so i dont die. He then proceeds to do this 2 more times and i kill him two more times. He boots me and 30 seconds later i get a msg that says "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" i tell him to shut up and he then begins to flame me and i defend myself, but my comebacks arent as rude as his. He didnt care obviously because he gave me negative rep for trash talking. (This next one is slightly my fault but still, this kid was a douche) I'm in the pregame lobby for some sumo grande, and jokingly say "Youre going down red team." some squeaker on red team the says *insert lame yo mama joke here* so i say, (looking at his gt which includes the words redsox) "Yankees are better then the red sox anyway" (im not even a yanks fan lol i just said it anyway) he then says some more stupid comebacks then gives me negative rep for being unsporting. GAY.
I will have to say- That we must all admit- most of us on FH are nerds... I mean really- We are all in a Halo forum discussing video games- If thats not nerdy, I dont know what is Note: Yes I do understand that I am calling myself a nerd and I am completely unmoved by that statement...
I do know how you feel. one of my good buddies on live constently insist we play his stupid game he calls weapon x. Everybody has camo, no waypoint super speed and low gravity. you get a sniper rifle and do 50%damage. But whenever i try to put up a custom (usually a good mini game off of forge hub) they refuse to play