Faced with impending doom by a zombie horrde, Gary decided it wasn't worth it. But really this was a crazy shot. During a game of Infection, this guy was just hanging in mid-air like this. When I went to get the shot of this he actually started out on the floor over by the barricade behind him and to the left. Then one of the zombies came in and used a hammer for some reason and the guy just appeared in mid-air and stayed liked that until I knocked him down. It was rather weird.
*sigh* Glad to know there are still sceptics out there. Give me a few. Let go see if I still have it.
I've seen this stuff before, just floating with a G-hammar. It's a funny coincidence, and how perfect it is. xD
I'm skeptic, but I'm too lazy to actually download it and check it out. So I'll just take your word for it... Nice story bro!
Would you like me to render it for you? I could even put it up on youtube if you would like. Lol, yes i am that bored, plus I have one render minute left.
...Oh. Took me awhile to get this shot. He's hanging himself. Right. Okay. Kinda cool, but it's just a dead Spartan without knowing that he's supposed to look like he's hanging himself.