Both the spartans (Especially green) fade out into black too much. They need to be more defined. EDIT: In fact, it looks like a chunk of Chief's arm is missing.
The shoulder on the middle spartan is too fuzzed out. It needs its sharp, natural edge. It will make the wallpaper substantially better.
Thanks guys. The Gold/green spartan is directly from the H3 Reveal Trailer with a clipping mask removing the background so it was harder with him to get a clean line.
It looks really cool, but I think the text could have been a little better. Also, try to add a lighting flare or something behind the text... like the shine on this planet...
That's the actual text in the image. EDIT: Although in the actual image Reach is under Halo, and I personally think that looks better than side-to-side.
Sorry, its just that it fitted better on my desktop with the text horizontal lol Also Miraj I can't see your images.