Conquest has typically been a straight/curved one way path from A to B. But what if there is no start...or end, what if it was a circle. But wait! Lets make the circle only go one direction by using man cannon gates! Anyways, the point is to have a conquest map where each team goes clockwise around the map and cannot go backwards, to cap the territories. Now, b4 I work on this, I want to know what you guys think. Is it a good idea?
There would be no way to get the spawn system to work... and there is no defending it would be constant mancannoning to the next point after getting this room...
\ Agreed. BUt it sounds really fun. Just make sure there is plenty of rooms between cannons. The map would be like a donut, with a tower in the middle, but multi-leveled (the tower, I mean.) The teams would randomly spawn on any side of the tower on any level, and jump to the room below. I picture the rooms for each one only having a small entrance that is entered via mancannon. And there is a mancannon at each door, so you have to go all the way around to go back... sounds fun to me! And that is just how I would make it...
Ok, so seven sided thing, tower in middle, open chunks in it w/ spawn points so u can jump out, got it, probably shield doors in the tower too I will probably make this, thnx ppl
Wouldnt work. Conquest is played the way its played. Changing it doesnt make it conquest. Thats like saying: "hey i have a great idea for CTF. well do FFA CTF and everyone has a flag !"