Cowboypickle23's Verruckt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Hello im Cowboypickle23 and im back with another **** Zombie map. ive made Nacht der Untoten, ive made Shi no numa, and now i present you the final colection to the set.... Verruckt. Now before on my othe maps i made them by myself. but with verruckt i had some help. First the main helper ANYEHILATER. hes a great forger and he knew the maps layout better than I. Then i had some help from OFFsetGAMER94x. He is also a great forger. so they get equal credit for this map as me.
    Verruckt is the second **** zombie map that came out and its probably my least favorite. ( i think its to hard). But anyway its the most intricate of the three and i think will be the most fun to play on halo. Now heres the issue. since the map is so huge we couldnt completely finish it. we finished the map but we didnt get as many spawns as we wanted and we didnt have enough money for guns. so basically i edited the gametype and made a specific one for Verruckt. you start with a pistol and a br instead of just a pistol. the asthetics are basically as close as you can to the actual map.
    The close quarters the narrow halls the fast gameplay, i think we can all say this is gonna be a pretty sweet infection map.

    Now for the pictures
    Theres no way i can show the whole map in this so ill just show a couple
    The whole map
    The fountain
    One example of the many balconies on this map.
    The door that separates the two groups of humans at the beggining closed
    The grav lift you destroy to open that door ( its the farthest away from the begining you can get)
    One of the rooms with a staircase up to it
    Another long room with columns
    And the only thing that the two groups of humans can see each other at the beggining is this wood brisge that connects them.

    Well thats all the pictures im putting for now. just comment if you need more.

    Hope you like it!!


  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The atmosphere would've been better in the crypt; by the looks of things (but what can be done now?) Some lights and filter effects would've added to the aesthetics as well. This could use minor tweaking for an epic win. Either way it looks good, i'll give it a test play and check it out.
  3. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    I never played verruck but Is there a roof on this map. I read the post and didnt see it in the description but anyway looks good and probably a great remake. I might dwload the map.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    This looks pretty accurate, no major flaws. I really like your shi yes numa and the other one. So ill try this. Btw im the random friend request u got on live
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    It would be great if you could put a roof and some filters like gloomy to give it more of a **** Zombie feel. U probably reached your item limit though. The remake looks very accurate and the only question I have is is there 200% gravity.
  6. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Yes there is 200 % gravity. and im out of money and i hit the object limit.
  7. NYEKE

    NYEKE Ancient
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    its a pretty accurate map too bad we hit the object limit and ran out of money or else we could of made it even better i really like the grav lift door opening its a genius idea Great Job! if there was weapons on the map it would be a 10/10 but right now im saying 8/10 jsut because there are no weapons and i know its not your fault but o well
  8. OFFsetGAMERx94x

    OFFsetGAMERx94x Ancient
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    This was one of the hardest maps to recreate but i think we did a good job although i wish we were able to add the effects to the map it would have made the gameplay so much better......
  9. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    in order to optimize object limit and budget you could look at these items i noticed in your map (some of them may be important I'm just going off what I can see in the pic):

    did you use a stacked map or a budget glitched map?
  10. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    those ramps are all ways for the zombies to get to the windows if thats what your trying to say???

    i forgot to say if anyone wants to take this map delete what they think is nessesary and either put the guns on the walls or give it to me to put the guns on the walls they can. put if you take it i get 90% credit.
  11. NYEKE

    NYEKE Ancient
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    yeah i wonder if theres anything else we can delete to make guns???? o welli think we did a good job

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