Vector Drawing & Coloring in PS(any CS)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RackemWillie77, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    Hey everyone, thought I'd give the community some know how from me on making cool vector cartoons in PS.

    Ok,so to begin you want to create 2 layers. One for line work and one for color. Start with the pen tool using a wider brush for the general contour and outline of what you're drawing (in this case a loltroll XD). I used a 13.

    Once you have your outline/contour done you can use a smaller brush ( I used a 5) for smaller details inside the contour. (still using the pen tool)

    Now you are ready to move to your color layer. Pick any color and go to town with the brush filling the object/character. Then using your pen tool select areas that you want to shade darker and fill them with a darker shade of the color you picked.

    Now you can give it some depth. Use the burn and dodge tool both set to Highlights. Exposure is good at 30 for me. (use what you like) Start with the burn tool on a relatively large brush and generally go over you color layer to give it some shadows. Now using the dodge tool you can do the same to give it lighting and of course, highlights. Then go to town with the background XD


    Hope you liked the tut

    If I didn't touch on something you want to know, plz pm me and let me know so I can add that. Thnx​
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Do you use a mouse or tabby?
  3. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    For vector I use all mouse. I only use my tabby for speed paints and more realistic stuff.

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